PRAXIS 2024 Call for Papers

Published: Nov. 15, 2023

Graphic reading "an invitation for submission to praxis"The Political Science Department is seeking submissions for the upcoming Spring 2024 issue of PRAXIS Student Journal!

PRAXIS provides the opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students in PSCI to publish their scholarly and creative work in a rigorous academic setting. We are excited to broaden our vision for the journal to include creative submissions as well as scholarly submissions. Our editing team is also looking to feature work focusing on issues affecting our local Denver and Colorado area. 

Submissions are due by January 16, 2024 to, and/or


Scholarly Submission Guidelines

Your work must be: 

  • 10-25 pages long
  • Double-space
  • 12-point font
  • 1 inch margins
  • American Political Science Association (APSA) citation style, following the guidelines of the APSA style manual

Creative Submission Guidelines

Your work may be:

  • Shorter articles/stories: No longer than 10 pages. 
  • Narratives: First person reflections on political activism and/or political campaigns. No longer than 10 pages. 
  • Poetry
  • Visual Art: Photos, collages, etc. 
  • Music

Send submissions to:, and/or by January 16, 2024!