Apply to be a Physics Intro Lab Teaching Assistant (TA)

Undergraduate and Graduate Teaching Assistants run Introductory Experimental Physics Laboratory sections in coordination with the Laboratory Curriculum Coordinator and with assistance from Undergraduate Learning Assistants. 

Applications for this position are accepted on a rolling basis; a position may not be immediately available.

Laboratory Teaching Assistants are Responsible for:

  • Attending Weekly Team Meetings (~2 hours long)
  • Being fully prepared for that week's laboratory activities
  • Teaching their assigned sections (2 hours long for each section)
  • Providing feedback and grades on submitted assignments
  • Meeting with students for additional support as needed
  • Keeping the laboratory section Canvas gradebook updated
  • Responding to student emails, using your CU Denver,  email in a timely fashion

Required Qualifications:

  • Undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a degree seeking program.
  • Enrolled in credit bearing activities during the semester serving as a grader.
  • Completed Introductory Physics Lab I and II with a C- or better.

Preferred Experience and Qualifications (but not required to apply):

  • Student enrolled at the University of Colorado Denver.
  • Completed Introductory Physics Lab I and II with a B or better.
  • Took the Learning Assistants pedagogy class or evidence of other pedagogy training.
  • Served as a Learning Assistant.
  • Served as a Learning Assistant in support of PHYS2321 or PHYS2341 or evidence of other laboratory teaching experience.

Additional Notes:

Pay for this position is  $2,178 per section. 

To apply for this position, please complete the form below.


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