Physics Student Innovators (*and alumni), or PSI*, is an organization for physics majors, minors, graduate students, alumni, and anyone else interested in pursuing the application of physics to improve human well-being through innovation. Physics is a powerful discipline for integrating deep fundamental knowledge with technologies such as electronics, optics, control systems, plasmas, micro/nano devices, etc. to create objects and processes of use to individuals, to industry, to research labs, and to communities. Indeed, basic research and applied innovation are two sides of the same coin of active, creative exploration and invention - inspiring one another and enriching the world in the process. PSI* meets regularly to encourage students to develop new innovations, provide resources for prototyping, pursue group projects, and connect with industry and community groups. The “star” of PSI* refers to alumni, whose real-world experience is brought back to campus to advise and inspire student members. A website for PSI* is maintained here:
The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025.
The Plaza Building will remain closed through Jan. 20, 2025. The Health Center is operating in a modified capacity. Call 303-615-9999 for appointment information during operating hours. Reminder, the Health Center is closed for the winter break Dec. 24 - Jan. 1.