
Labor Leadership Certificate (BA or MA)

Labor Leadership Certificate (BA or MA)

Previously 15 credits, Starting Fall of 2025 12 credit hours (4 classes)

A Certificate in Labor Leadership will develop your academic and professional skills to support worker-oriented public, non-profit or academic research or policy development, a career in a labor union or related worker-oriented organization, or to build skills for workplace organizers. For those planning a career in management, the program will build a stronger foundation for labor-management collaboration in organized public or private-sector workplaces.

These certificates are administered by the Center for New Directions in Politics and Policy. Some courses will be delivered through the New Directions weekend intensive (three weekend) format taught by practitioners. Others are offered by Political Science faculty through traditional, weekly courses offered in-person or remotely over the course of a full term.


  • BA degree from an accredited college or university for an MA certificate
  • High school degree from an accredited high school for a BA certificate
  • Complete 4 courses (12 credits)