Graduate Certificate in Public, Non-Profit & Community Leadership Certificate

Graduate Certificate in Public, Non-Profit & Community Leadership Certificate - 15 credit hours (5 classes)

The Leadership Certificate is a valuable academic credential that reflects the participant's scholarly achievement in the areas of politics and public policy. Equally important, the Leadership Certificate Program offers participants the opportunity to develop the political skills and acumen necessary for leading effectively within his/her own organization, community, or jurisdiction. The Academic Certificate Program consists of five courses representing 15 semester hours of credit. 

With departmental approval, up to 12 credits can be transferred from the certificate program into a full graduate degree program. To set up an appointment or speak with a departmental advisor to pursue this option, please email

Tuition: Varies by fiscal year and level

  • The tutition and fees for a typical 3 credit graduate course for FY 2017-2018 will range from $1300-$1350*
  • The tutition and fees for a typical 3 credit undergraduate course for FY 2017-2018 will range from $1400-$1450*

*Please note that textbook costs are not included in these estimates.