Spanish Minor

Admission and Grade Requirements:

Students interested in a Minor in Spanish must maintain a minimum overall GPA of 2.3, and a GPA of 2.5 in Spanish. The minimum grade acceptable in courses applied to the Minor is C- (1.7). No course taken on a pass/fail basis may be credited toward the Minor in Spanish.

It is important that students enrolled in the Minor in Spanish have their transcripts reviewed by their departmental advisor (based on student’s last name) before enrolling in their final 30 credit hours at CU Denver, to avoid a delay in graduation.

Heritage Speakers, students who grew up speaking Spanish, and students presenting four years of high school Spanish (Level IV) for admission to the Minor must see a Spanish Advisor before enrolling in courses for the Minor.

Students with Advanced Placement credits from high school should see a Spanish advisor about course equivalencies.

Residency Requirement:

Students must take at least 9 hours toward the minor from CU Denver faculty. Requirements for the Spanish Minor Students minoring in Spanish for the BA degree must complete 15 semester hours of upper-division Spanish courses (numbered 3000 and above). The Minor in Spanish must include at least one Culture and Civilization course, numbered SPAN 32xx.*

Students can track their progress toward the minor with the following table (PDF):


    SPAN 32xx  
    SPAN 3xxx or 4xxx  
    SPAN 3xxx or 4xxx  
    SPAN 3xxx or 4xxx  
    SPAN 3xxx or 4xxx  

Please note the following pre-requisites:

SPAN 2120 (or equivalent proficiency) is a pre-requisite for all courses numbered 3xxx. SPAN 2120 does not count towards the minor.

SPAN 3101 (3252) is a pre-requisite for all literary courses numbered 41xx through 49xx 

2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Spanish Undergraduate Advisors:

Amanda Ritchie
Last names: A-F 
Plaza Building, Room 118 K


Ileana Gross
Last names: G-O
Plaza Building, Room 118 J

Alyssa Martoccio
Last names: P-Z
Plaza Building, Room 118 E