I am a Georgia native and am currently an undergraduate senior at the University of Colorado Denver completing a B.S. in Psychology and pre-med prerequisites. In 2015, I was diagnosed with stage IIB Hodgkin's Lymphoma. After completing six months of chemotherapy, I went into remission and have luckily remained so ever since. My personal health battles combined with my natural interests in the mind and body have directed me towards a path of knowledge and research. In addition to being a research assistant in the Kilbourn Lab, I am also a research assistant in the Lozupone Lab, a microbiology lab studying gut-microbiomes, at The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. I am currently working on an honor's thesis project that is exploring the relationship between chemobrain, a cognitive fog often experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and the gut-microbiome. Outside of school and research, I enjoy seeing live music, playing with my dogs, and giving back to the community. I am forever indebted to the research that has allowed me to beat cancer, and as a result, have worked very closely with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to raise money for cancer research. Due to extensive fundraising, I was titled Woman of the Year 2018 for LLS's Rocky Mountain Chapter. After graduating in May of 2020, I plan on applying to various graduate programs in hopes of continuing my understanding of ultimate human health and wellness, bridging the gap between the mind and body.