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Office Hours: Please contact Instructor for office hours.
Expertise Areas:
Primary areas of study include environmental microbiology; microbial ecology; microbial physiology; chemical detoxification; remediation; see Roanemicrobiology.weebly.com for more information. Other areas of interest include qualitative evaluation; collective impact; identity and representation within STEM; and cross-cultural communication.
Ph.D., Environmental Science, University of Arizona, 1999
M.S., Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, University of Idaho, 1994
B.Sc., Microbiology, University of California, Davis, 1991
Roane lab website: Roanemicrobiology.weebly.com
Program director of the Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands certificate: https://clas.ucdenver.edu/esil
We have a lot to learn from microorganisms, especially the bacteria, and their unique abilities to withstand harsh or toxic conditions, such as those present in chemically-impacted ecosystems. Of interest to our work is how we can work with microorganisms to mitigate toxicity impacts and how we use the presence/absence of microbial activities as indicators of toxicity. Research in my laboratory combines conventional, molecular, and biochemical approaches to studying the microbiology of anthropogenic and naturally-occurring systems. My program is student-oriented in both the laboratory and classroom, and my goal is to use microbiology to help students respond to the emerging societal needs.
Our work within STEM: I welcome diversities of thought, representation, and identity within our work. As a descendant of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, I try to honor my beliefs and the beliefs of others in not only our laboratory environment but also in how we conduct microbiology and study microorganisms.
Recent project areas
- Diversity, metabolic, and genomic characterization of the microbial communities associated with 1,4-dioxane degradation at the Lowry Superfund Water Treatment Plant
- Determination of the functional roles of bacteria associated with rare, metal-
impacted wetland fens in the Rocky Mountains - Correlation of bacterial community changes with macro-invertebrate indicators of acid mine drainage toxicity at abandoned mine sites
- Use of culturally appropriate evaluation methods in the design of higher education research STEM programming
- Use of collective impact in the development of the undergraduate certificate program in Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands
(*student researchers; **postdoctoral researcher)
2022 Li, X., X. Yang, S. Mandezheiva, D. Pinskii, T. Minkina, V.D. Rajput, T. Roane, S. Huang, Y. Li, L.Q. Ma, S. Clemens, and C. Rensing. Sporadic Pb Accumulation by Plants: Influence of Soil Biogeochemistry Microbial Community and Physiological Mechanisms (a review). Journal of Hazardous Materials (under review).
2022 Lee, J.S, J.L. Lowell, K. Whitewater, T.M. Roane, C.S. Miller, A.P. Chan, A. Sylvester, D. Jackson, L.E. Hunter. Monitoring Environmental Microbiomes (MEM): Alignment of2Microbiology and Computational Biology Competencies within a Culturally Integrated Curriculum and Research Framework. Frontiers in Microbiology (under review).
2022 Mays, D.C., T.M. Roane, B.J. Allen, R. Moreno-Sanchez, G. RedShirt Tyon, C. Rice, J.L. Romero, and C. Velez. Background, Experience, and Outcomes of College Students in a Certificate Program on Environmental Stewardship of Indigenous Lands. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (under review).
2022 Velez, C., B.M. Nuechterlein, S.C. Connors, G. RedShirt Tyon, T.M. Roane and D.C. Mays. 2020. Application of the Indigenous Evaluation Framework to a University Certificate Program for
Building Cultural Awareness in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Evaluation and Program Planning 92: 102066-.
2019 Wise*, B.R., T.M. Roane, and A.C. Mosier. Community composition of nitrite reductase gene sequences in an acid mine drainage environment. Microbial Ecology doi.org/10/1007/s00248-019-01420-9.
2018 Park, J-D, Md Habib Ullah, T.M. Roane, M. Alaraj and F. Shuo. Optimal operating point for energy harvesting from microbial fuel cell with finite initial energy. Journal of Power Sources 400: 183-189.
2017 Alaraj*, M., S. Feng, T.M. Roane and J-D Park. Effect of Power shape on energy extraction from microbial fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources 366:86-92.
2017 Ramanthan*, B., A. Boddicker*, T.Roane and A.C. Mosier. Nitrifier gene abundance and diversity in sediments impacted by acid mine drainage. Frontiers in Microbiology 8: 2136-.
2017 Park, J-D., T.M. Roane, Z. J. Ren and M. Alaraj*. Dynamic Modeling of a Microbial Fuel Cell Considering Anodic Electron Flow and Electrical Charge Storage. Applied Energy 193: 507-514..
2016 Lantz*, M. and T.M. Roane. Restoration of metal(loid) contaminated soils. In Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 4th edition. American Society for Microbiology, pp. 5.2.3-1 – 5.2.3-10.
2015 Narrowe*, A.B., M. Albuthi-Lantz*, E.P. Smith, K.J. Bower, T.M. Roane, A.M. Vajda, and C.S. Miller. Perturbation and restoration of the fathead minnow gut microbiome after low-level triclosan exposure. Microbiome 3: 6-24..
2014 Roane, T.M. and I.L. Pepper. Microscopic Techniques. In Environmental Microbiology. I.L. Pepper, C.P. Gerba, and T.J. Gentry (eds). Academic Press, pp. 177-193.
2014 Roane, T.M., I.L. Pepper and T.J. Gentry. Microorgansims and Metal Pollutants. In Environmental Microbiology. I.L. Pepper, C.P. Gerba, and T.J. Gentry (eds). Academic Press, pp. 415-439.
2012 Luo*, H., P. Xu, T.M. Roane, P.E. Jenkins and Z. Ren. Microbial desalination cells for improved performance in wastewater treatment, electricity production, and desalination. Bioresource Technology 105:60-66.
2011 Underwood*, J.C., R.W Harvey, D.W. Metge, D.A. Repert, L.K. Baumgartner, R.L. Smith, T.M. Roane, and L.B. Barber. Effects of the antimicrobial sulfamethoxazole on a groundwater bacterial enrichment. Environmental Science & Technology 45:3096-3101.
2010 Snelling*, L.J. and T.M. Roane. Bacterial removal of mercury from museum materials: a new remediation technology? Smithsonian Institution Publications: Mitigation of Pesticides on Museum Collections, Washington, D.C.
2009 Hietala*, K.A. and T.M. Roane. Microbial Metal Remediation. In Soil Biology: Advances in Applied Bioremediation. A. Singh, R.C. Kuhad and O.P. Ward (eds). Springer-Verlag, pp. 201-220.
2009 Roane, T.M. and R.M. Maier. Microorganisms and Metals. In Environmental Microbiology. R.M. Maier, C.P. Gerba and I.L. Pepper (eds). Academic Press, pp. 421-441.
2009 Roane, T.M., I.L. Pepper and R.M. Maier. Microscopic Techniques. In Environmental Microbiology. R.M. Maier, C.P. Gerba and I.L. Pepper (eds). Academic Press, pp. 157-17
2009 Roane, T.M., R.M. Maier and I.L. Pepper. Microorganisms. In Environmental Microbiology. R.M. Maier, C.P. Gerba and I.L. Pepper (eds). Academic Press, pp. 10-36.
2007 Williams, L.H. and T.M. Roane. Nutritional ecology of a parasitic wasp: food source affects gustatory response, metabolic utilization, and survivorship. Journal of Insect Physiology 53:1262-1275.
2006 Kassab*, D.M. and T.M. Roane. Differential responses of a mine tailings Pseudomonas isolate to cadmium and lead exposures. Biodegradation 17:379-387.
2006 Hietala*, K.A., M.L. Lynch*, J.C. Allshouse**, C.J. Johns and T.M. Roane. A mathematical model of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth in response to cadmium toxicity. Journal of Basic Microbiology 46 (3): 196-202.
2005 Jimenez-Esquilin*, A. and T.M. Roane. Isolation of antifungal producing rhizosphere actinomycetes from the Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 32:378-381.
2005 Benoit, M.R., Li, A., Stodieck, L.S., Lam, K.S., Winther*, C.L., Roane, T.M., and Klaus, D.M. Microbial antibiotic production aboard the International Space Station. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 70: 378-381.
2005 Williams III, L., Coscarón, M.C., Dellapé, P.M., and T.M. Roane. Pachycoris stallii Uhler (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae)-description of immature stages, effect of maternal care on nymphs, and notes on life history. Journal of Insect Science 5:29 (4 Nov. 2005)
2005 Williams III, L., T.M. Roane and J.P. Beach. Gustatory acceptance, longevity, and utilization of nectar and honeydew sugars by Anaphes iole, an egg parasitoid of Lygus bugs. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods Sept. 12-16, Davos, Switzerland. United States Forest Service Publication FHTET-2005-08, pp. 409-419.
2002 Pepper, I.L., T.J. Gentry, D.T. Newby, T.M. Roane and K.L. Josephson. The role of cell bioaugmentation in the remediation of co-contaminated soils. Environmental Health Perspectives 110:943-946.
2001 Roane, T.M., K.L. Josephson and I.L. Pepper. Dual-bioaugmentation strategy to enhance remediation of co-contaminated soil. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67:3208-3215.
2001 Pepper, I.L., T.J. Gentry, D.T. Newby, T.M. Roane and K.L. Josephson. The role of cell bioaugmentation and gene bioaugmentation in the remediation of co-contaminated soils. Proc. for the Conference on the Application of Technology to Chemical Mixture Research Jan. 9-11.
2000 Roane, T.M. and I.L. Pepper. Microbial responses to environmentally toxic cadmium. Microbial Ecology 38:358-364. (web version Nov. ’99 http://link.springer-ny.com).
2000 Roane, T.M. and I.L. Pepper. Microscopic techniques. In Environmental Microbiology. R.M. Maier, C.P. Gerba and I.L. Pepper (eds). Academic Press, pp. 195-211.
2000 Roane, T.M. and I.L. Pepper. Microorganisms and Metal Pollutants. In Environmental Microbiology. R.M. Maier, C.P. Gerba and I.L. Pepper (eds). Academic Press, pp. 403-423.
1999 Roane, T.M. Lead resistance in two bacterial isolates from heavy metal-contaminated soils. Microbial Ecology 37:218-224.
1997 Roane, T.M. and I.L. Pepper. Microbial remediation of soils co-contaminated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and cadmium. 12th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research, pp. 343-356.
1996 Roane, T.M. and S.T. Kellogg. Characterization of bacterial communities in heavy metal-contaminated soils. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 42:593-603.
1996 Roane, T.M., I.L. Pepper and R.M. Miller. Microbial remediation of metals, pp. 312-340. In Bioremediation: Principles and Applications. R.L. Crawford and D.L. Crawford (eds). Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.
1994 Roane, T.M. and S.T. Kellogg. A study of microbial communities in lead-contaminated soils. Proc. of the 9th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Remediation, pp. 248-260.
Technical Reports
2014 Roane, T.M. and R.M. Maier. Microbial Methods In V.T. McLemore, K.S. Smith, and C.C. Russell (eds.), Sampling and Monitoring for the Mine Life Cycle, Appendix 3: Englewood, CO, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc.
BIOL 3654: General Microbiology
BIOL 4415/5415: Microbial Ecology