By appointment only. When this course is entirely online, communication between the instructor and students will be via university email and the course website. I will go to the campus only occasionally when strictly necessary. Please contact me by email to ask questions about the course or arrange an online appointment via Zoom. Because I teach part-time at several places, my work schedule is usually hectic most semesters; thus, scheduling an online meeting may be difficult, but I will do my best to accommodate the student’s availability. If a student and I cannot arrange an online appointment due to schedule conflicts, we can communicate via email as often as necessary. Office: Online course and instructor’s Zoom meeting room • Zoom Room Link: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/6612031105
• Optional Question and Answer and Study Sessions in Zoom: I may hold a few optional study or question and answer sessions during the semester. An announcement with the date and time of these sessions will be posted in the course with sufficient time in advance.
Instructor’s response time to student inquiries under normal circumstances: (1) Monday
Areas of Expertise: General Microbiology