Professional Development Scholarships for Staff

Published: Feb. 24, 2023

CU Denver | Anschutz Staff Council is offering scholarships to university staff seeking professional development opportunities. Staff may request up to $300 to cover the cost of trainings or events that contribute to their professional development, whether offered by CU or an external institution, before June 1. Click here to submit a request.


Campus Awards to Nominate: Faculty Inclusive Excellence Awards | Staff Inclusive Excellence Awards

Some of you may have seen this campus award nomination notification  s that was sent out via CU Denver news and other sources, but we wanted to make sure this was sent out to our CLAS community again. 

FYI Deadline to nominate for these Faculty and Staff Inclusive Excellence Awards is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27th

Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award

This award honors a faculty member (IRC or Tenured/Tenure-Track) who demonstrates a long-standing commitment to advance diversity, equity and inclusion at CU Denver. 

Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award Criteria 2023

Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award Nomination Form

A big thanks to the Institutional Advocacy Equity Council (formerly known as the Equity Task Force), whose committee members reviewed and put forth the Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award with support from Antonio, Regina and CU Denver leadership.

Nominations are due to the Office of Faculty Affairs on Friday, February 24, 2023 so please spread the word.

Attached are documents describing the eligibility, procedures and criteria for the 2023 Denver campus faculty awards for excellence in teaching, leadership and service, research/creative work, and faculty mentoring.
The awards criteria information is also available on the Faculty Affairs website.
Please do the following:

  • Spread the word within your school/college/library.
  • Be sure that the nominees from your schools/colleges/library receive copies of these documents, so that they can prepare their dossiers according to the guidelines. 
  • Follow your school/college/library internal process for selecting your unit's recipient(s) for the teaching, leadership and service, and research/creative work categories. There are separate awards for tenured/tenure track faculty and instructional/research/clinical faculty.
  • Submit electronic dossiers to me via Interfolio or OneDrive by Monday, February 20, 2023. 


The Celebration of Faculty Excellence honoring the award recipients will be Monday, April 10, 4:30-6pm, in the Terrace Room.  Save the date on your calendars!

Staff Inclusive Excellence Award
In addition to the Faculty Inclusive Excellence Award, we are also offering a Staff Inclusive Excellence Award attached within the email and found here: ​docx icon Staff Inclusive Excellence Award 2023 (Final).docx

This award honors a staff member (classified or professional exempt) who demonstrates a long-standing commitment to advance diversity, equity and inclusion at CU Denver. Nominees will be selected based upon their record of success in any of these areas:

  • engaging our campus community to share responsibility for creating and sustaining a just, safe, and inclusive campus;
  • improving our systems to actively support minoritized people and historically marginalized identities in order to reduce bias and create and sustain equity; or,
  • redefining success through a lens of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion to unlock the potential for everyone to succeed. 

This award is created in 2023 to recognize the 50th year of CU Denver’s creation, as we strive to be the nation's first equity-serving institution by 2030: one that provides a racially and culturally enhancing educational and work environment and a sense of belonging for all. The launch of this award is part of a broader, long-term effort to recognize the work of staff and faculty in our DEI initiatives. The five-person selection committee is comprised of one representative from the Office of DEI, two representatives appointed by the Institutional Equity Advocacy Council, one appointed by Human Resources, and one from the Affinity Group Network.  The winner will receive a stipend of $1,500 and a glass sculpture. The award winner will be announced in March 2023. Complete nomination packets are due by close of business on Monday, February 27 to Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources teri engelke at

Please limit all nomination materials (excluding the résumé) to no more than 10 pages to include:

1.Two- or three-page statement written by a nominator or the nominee that includes the nominee's DEI philosophy and that addresses at least one of the three criteria for the award;

2.Correspondence from current or former colleagues such as other staff, faculty, students, peers, alumni or administrators; and,

3.A résumé that covers the nominee's professional experience.

Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions about the process and/or awards. 

P.S. Regina found this great tips_for_writing_quality_nominations.pdf in case you would like to share for reference; there are other great templates out there as well.

Miguel Morris
Pronouns: he/him/él*
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
University of Colorado Denver DEI Office
1380 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO 80204
T. 303-315-2123