The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) is currently soliciting nominations for the Fall 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Awards. Departments may nominate one individual in each of two categories: Masters and Ph.D. To be eligible for these awards, a student must be currently enrolled in an Integrative Biology (IB) graduate program. Nominees must be eligible to graduate at the end of the semester in which they are nominated (Summer graduates are eligible for the Fall award).
- CLAS Outstanding Graduate Student Biology Department Nominations are due Thursday, September 29.
- The nomination form is here. Consider nominating yourself for this award, or asking if your advisor would nominate you.
- You must be on track to graduate this Fall semester, or have graduated over the summer, to be eligible.
This is a 3-stage process, but the first stage (nomination) is easy, and all you need to worry about on a deadline. More details are below.
Stage 1: Nominations
The IB Awards, Scholarship and Outreach (ASO) Committee is soliciting self nominations and faculty nominations for students that have excelled in their programs. Initial self/faculty nominations must be submitted by Thursday, September 29 via this online application form.
Nomination options:
(A) Self nomination: IB graduate students may submit a self-nomination using this online application form. These initial self-nominations require a resume/CV, unofficial transcripts, a short statement describing your research/teaching/service efforts, and contact information for a faculty reference. After submitting your nomination, your faculty reference will be contacted to gather additional supporting information for your application.
(B) Faculty nomination: IB faculty can nominate students by completing a short evaluation on this online form describing the student's strengths and areas of growth. After submitting your nomination, the student will be contacted to gather additional supporting information for their application.
Stage 2: ASO Committee selects department nominees
Initial self/faculty nominations will be reviewed by the ASO Committee for selection of the final departmental nominee(s). The ASO Committee will notify the final departmental nominee(s) and request their final packets (sent to; see requirements below). The ASO committee will then add a departmental letter of nomination and submit the final application packets to CLAS by October 7, 2022.
For the final departmental nominees, final packets submitted to CLAS must include:
- Nominating letter from the department (co-authored by the ASO Chair and the IB Department Chair)
- Supporting letter from an IB faculty member that clearly spells out why this student stands out above the norm (e.g., publications, grants, exceptional teaching, service to community or profession). Additional supporting letters from faculty may be included (optional).
- Statement by the student detailing their accomplishments and plans for the future
- Transcript
- Current CV
- FCQs and representative student comments for teaching (if applicable)
Stage 3: CLAS will select the final awardees for each category from all departmental nominees.
Note: Students nominated for the CLAS MS/PhD Outstanding Student Awards will automatically be considered for the Integrative Biology Student Excellence Awards.
If you have questions, please ask me ( or Science 4098).
Chris, on behalf of the ASO committee.
Chris Miller
Associate Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
University of Colorado Denver