Visible wearing of CU Denver IDs while on campus
NOTE: This applies to BOTH the main campus and buildings across Speer.
Hello CU Denver change partners,
Over the last several months, you have seen messaging about visible wearing of CU Denver IDs while on campus and in the buildings across Speer. Refer to the most recent message from Todd Haggerty sent mid-August.
As campus agents of change, the project team would like to ask your assistance with spreading the word to your faculty, students and staff. This fall semester, we ask that you distribute the attached document to those you support via posting as fliers on your department bulletin boards, adding to break rooms and elevators, creating posters at your department entrances, including the messaging in your department newsletters – please distribute in whatever way that your faculty, students and staff best receive messages.
Thank you so much for your continued support of CU Denver projects. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Sarah Buller or myself with questions.
Warm regards,
Sharon S. Grant (she/her/hers)
Organizational Change Program Manager | Planning, Analysis & Change (PAC)
CU Denver Office of Information Technology
Direct Line: 303.724.4825