In January of 2019, Dr. Brian Buma, Ecologist and Assistant Professor with CU Denver Department of Integrative Biology, gathered a team he described as, “… a really solid team of Chilean scientists. There was botanists. We had an archaeologist. We had some camp managers extraordinaire, bird ecologists—we basically had a...
On July 6 th , Assistant Professor Annika Mosier, Senior Instructor Laurel Beck, and Associate Professors Amanda Charlesworth and Laurel Hartley presented the lecture “The Ecology and Biology of COVID-19” in the COVID-19: Colorado & Beyond free summer lecture series from CLAS: Dr. Annika Mosier Dr. Laurel Beck Dr...
MS student Maria Nikulkova’s thesis defense will be taking place via Zoom on Thursday, July 23 rd at 10 am . Maria will be telling us about the great work she has been doing in Dr. Chris Miller’s lab during her thesis talk titled “Novel Genomes Reveal Phylogenetic Breadth and...
Kristy Rushin, former student of Dr. Cheri Jones, has been accepted into the CU Denver Business School 11 month MBA program for the 2020 Fall Semester. Congratulations Kristy on this accomplishment
Kristin Olson, a CU Denver Biology student who worked with the Buma lab on an NSF funded Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) project in Alaska, has been accepted into the PhD program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and will be starting in Fall 2020. She will work on permafrost...
Safe Return to Campus Website
Stay current on all SAFE RETURN TO CAMPUS updates for students, faculty and staff at their website.
2020 Summer FCQ Administration Week
Reminder: The 2020 Summer FCQ Administration Week is July 27th - 31st.