Greg Ragland

Greg Ragland photo
Ph.D. • Associate Professor • Biology Research Faculty
Department of Integrative Biology

Mailing Address:
Department of Integrative Biology
Campus Box 171
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Physical Location:
1150 12th Street
SI 4113
Denver, CO 80204

Office Hours: Please contact instructor for office hours.

Expertise Areas:
The Ragland Lab is interested in the process of local adaptation to changing environments, and the mechanisms underlying animal hibernation. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms and targets of natural selection, integrating studies from genomes, to physiology, to whole organism performance. Please refer to the lab website for more information:

PhD, Biology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2007
MS, Biology, Washington State University, 2001
BA, Marine Science, University of San Diego, 1997

The Ragland Lab is interested in the process of local adaptation to changing environments, and the mechanisms underlying animal hibernation. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms and targets of natural selection, integrating studies from genomes, to physiology, to whole organism performance. Please refer to the lab website for more information:

Meyers PJ, THQ Powell, KKO Walden, AJ Schieferecke, JL Feder, DA Hahn, HM Robertson, SH Berlocher, and GJ Ragland. 2016. Divergence of the diapause transcriptome in apple maggot flies: winter regulation and post-winter transcriptional repression. Journal of Experimental Biology 219.17: 2613-2622.

Egan, SP, GJ Ragland, L Assour, THQ. Powell, GR Hood, S Emrich, P Nosil and JL Feder. 2015. Experimental evidence of genome-wide impact of ecological selection during early stages of speciation-with-gene-flow. Ecology Letters 18: 817-825.

Ragland, GJ, K Almskaar, KL Vertacnik, HM Gough, JL Feder, DA Hahn and D Schwarz. 2015. Differences in performance and transcriptome-wide gene expression associated with Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae feeding in alternate host fruit environments. Molecular Ecology, 24: 2759-2776.

Ragland, GJ, SP Egan, JL Feder, SH Berlocher, and DA Hahn. 2011. Developmental trajectories of gene expression reveal candidates for diapause termination, a key life history transition in the apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 3948-3960.

Ragland, GJ, DL Denlinger, and DA Hahn. 2010. Mechanisms of suspended animation are revealed by transcript profiling of diapause in the flesh fly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 14909-14.

Ragland, GJ and JG Kingsolver. 2008. Evolution of thermotolerance in seasonal environments: the effects of annual temperature variation and life history timing in Wyeomyia smithii. Evolution 62: 1345-1357.

Principles of Biological Research
BIOL 3763: Biostatistics
BIOL 4024/5024: Biotechnology