Spring 2024 Student Hire Deadline – Nov. 17, 2023

Published: Oct. 27, 2023

From Barb Schmidt:

All Spring 2024 Semester Hiring Info should be emailed to Barb by Friday November 17, 2023:

Faculty - If you want to hire an hourly grader ($18.29/hr. 4 hours per week) or Lecture TA ($3,293/section 10 hours per week) or if you need to hire a Lecturer (adjunct) to teach a lab section because there is no TA available (pay TBD) for spring 2024 semester, please email Mike Greene to get his approval and cc: me, barbara.schmidt@ucdenver.edu

Please ask UGTAs and Graders for Spring 2024 to apply to the TA/Grader application even if they applied previously. Applications are wiped at the end of each semester to protect data.
