No WiFi in Science Building May 13-23

Published: March 31, 2023

Dear colleagues,

MSU will upgrade its internet service, including wifi, at the end of the Spring semester.  This will also take CU Denver wifi offline from May 13th-23rd.

This means that we will have no wifi in the science building when submitting grades (by May 18th).  However, wired internet from wall jacks will still work.

My question to you is: how will this affect you or your TAs?  Would you be using Science Building wifi for grading?

Separately, does anyone have any critical laboratory equipment that uses wifi?

If this is going to be a problem I can try to delay the upgrade until after grades are due, but by the sound of it, the solution presented was to submit grades from a different building.

Let me know your concerns.



Dr. Amanda Charlesworth, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | Interim Chair
Department of Integrative Biology
CLAS | University of Colorado Denver