Alyssa Davidge Featured in Denver Field Ornithologist's "The Lark Bunting"

Published: Jan. 27, 2023

Alyssa Davidge and Cooper's Hawk (Brian Milsap_


Alyssa Davidge, CU Denver Integrative Biology Master’s candidate was featured on page 15, in Denver Field Ornithologist’s January publication, The Lark BuntingAlyssa, will be giving a public presentation, “How Historical Redlining Led Denver’s Cooper”s Hawks to Live Where They Do”, during the DFO’s Winter/Spring Program.  Alysia is a second-year Master’s Degree candidate in Drs. Mike Wunder and Laurel Hartly’s lab.  

You can register for Alyssa’s Zoom presentation on Monday, March 27th, 7:00p.m. MDT, here.



Photo credit: Brian Millsaap