Can The Clark’s Nutcracker Help its BFF, The Whitebark Pine, Recover From Disaster

Published: Sept. 27, 2022 By , , ,

Whitebark Pine and Clark's Nutcracker photo

"Clark's Nutcrackers and whitebark pine have deeply intertwined lives. If and when the pine is listed under the Endangered Species Act, the tree's recovery could depend on its birdy best friend”.

Dr. Diana Tomback is one of many dedicated people, including Integrative Biology Alum, Elizabeth Pansing, featured in a beautifully made short film sharing their “efforts across government agencies, tribes and nonprofit groups hoping to bring the whitebark pine back from the brink of extinction”.

The article and film highlight the important role the whitebark pine plays in the environment and the equally important role the Clark’s Nutcracker plays with the existence of the whitebark pine.

You can read the full article and view the short film on “The CornellLab; All About Birds” website.