Integrative Biology Undergraduate Student Excellence in Teaching/Research Awards ($300)  

Each Spring, the Department of Integrative Biology recognizes outstanding undergraduate students for their accomplishments in teaching or research. Teaching can include any formal teaching-related activities (e.g., teaching assistants, learning assistants, tutors, supplemental instructors, etc.). Research can include scholarly activities that make an original, intellectual, or creative contribution to biology (including the scholarship of biology teaching and learning).  

Eligibility: Students must be currently enrolled with an established GPA at the University of Colorado Denver and have a declared major in biology. Students at any level in their degree program are eligible to apply. Students that graduated in Summer/Fall are eligible for the Spring awards.  

Nominations and required documentation: Students can be nominated by faculty/staff or by self-nomination using an online form (see link in the annual call for nominations distributed by the department). Self-nominations require a resume/CV, a short statement describing research and/or teaching efforts, and contact information for a faculty/staff reference (that will be contacted for additional supporting information). Faculty/staff nominations require brief responses to address each of the evaluation criteria used for selection of awardees. After nomination submission, the student will be contacted to provide additional supporting information for their application (resume/CV and short research/teaching statement).   

Deadline: Feb. 14, 2025
Evaluation rubric: Applications will be ranked based on this rubric.

Student Excellence awardees will receive a certificate and their names will be engraved on the IB awards plaque located in the fourth-floor atrium of the Science Building. Awardees will receive $300 prize from a generous donor through the Smilodon Outstanding Scholar Endowment.