Who: Dr. Matthew Kauffman.
Title: "Ecology and Conservation of Ungulate Migrations in the American West"
When: Friday, April 24, 2020 at Noon.
Where: Seminars are being presented at noon
via Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/434850347,
Meeting ID: 434 850 347.
Matthew Kauffman
U.S. Geological Survey
Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Department of Zoology and Physiology
University of Wyoming
The American West harbors vast landscapes still capable of supporting long-distance ungulate migrations. Herds of big game move across rugged landscapes up to 150 miles to access important seasonal habitats. Such movements present a conservation challenge because they require animals to cross multiple-use lands, some of which are changing rapidly. Because of this, ungulate migration as an ecological process is difficult to manage and conserve. Recent research on ungulate migrations has enhanced our understanding of the benefits of migration and the threats they currently face. In particular, detailed movement analyses indicate that migrating mule deer track ephemeral pulses of forage, a phenomena referred to as "surfing the green wave". New work is also emerging that quantifies the foraging and potential fitness benefit of surfing and the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence surfing success. My talk will conclude with a description of the recently discovered Red Desert to Hoback migration - the world's longest mule deer migration. I will describe how new research, new conservation tools, and new ways of communicating science our bringing people, agencies, and NGOs together to make such journeys easier for migrating ungulates.
Everyone is welcome to the seminar. If you would like to meet with the speaker, please email Dr. Brian Buma at brian.buma@ucdenver.edu.
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https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/434850347 Meeting ID: 434 850 347.
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