Denver Café Scientifique 1 at Blake St. Tavern!
Place, date, time: Blake Street Tavern on Tuesday 18 February 2020 at 6:30 PM.
Our speaker: Dr. Jay Schneiders, Consulting Neuropsychologist
The Topic: "Minding the Body: Looking at Mind-Body Interactions from Both Directions"
In this Cafe Sci, we’ll consider ways the mind seems to work its various kinds of ‘magic’ on physiological systems– both good and bad. We’ll spend some time discussing the placebo effect, but also cover psychosomatic disorders, ways the ‘mind’ can positively affect the body, improving brain health and reducing dementia risk, and perhaps even touch on marijuana and the brain, depending on attendees’ interest. The brain is a remarkable malleable organ (known as neuroplasticity) that can be actively “exercised” to provide long term benefits. We’ll talk about all of this and more!
EVERYONE IS WELCOME. The talk starts at 6:30. Come before 6 PM to leave yourself time to get something to eat. We end around 8 PM.
Blake St. Tavern is at 2301 Blake St., close to Coors Field. Parking in a lot adjacent, or at meters on the street.
We welcome your input, including ideas for speakers and topics. Bring them with you to the next Café, or e-mail them and any questions to Eric Meer