- (1993) BSc. Eng. in Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China
- (1995) M. S. in Physics, University of Science and Technology of China
- (1998) Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China
Positions and Appointments
- 2017-now, Professor, University of Colorado Denver
- 2011-2017, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Denver
- 2005-2011, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver
- 2003-2005, Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Research Scholar, University of Minnesota
- 2005, Project Manager for Integrated Tools for Computational Chemical Dynamics, University of Minnesota
- 2001-2003, Max-Planck Postdoctoral Fellow, Max-Planck Institute for Carbon Research, Germany
- 2000-2001, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, University-Wuppertal, Germany
- 1998-2000, Assistant Professor, University of Science and Technology of China
- American Chemical Society Colorado Section Award, COACS (2025)
- Cottrell Plus SEED (Singular Exceptional Endeavors of Discovery) Awards, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (2018)
- Dean’s Master’s Student Mentoring Award, Graduate School, University of Colorado Denver (2018)
- Cottrell Scholar, Research Corporation for Science Advancement (2015, for PUI class 2006)
- Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation: Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (2014)
- Research Corporation for Science Advancement: Cottrell College Science Multi-Investigator Award (2013)
- Alexander von Humboldt Alumni Research Fellowship (2012)
- National Science Foundation: CAREER Award (2010)
- Excellence in Research & Creative Work Award (2007), College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
- Research Corporation: Cottrell College Science Award (2006)
- Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Research Scholarship (2003)
- Max-Planck Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2001-2003, Germany)
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship (1999, Germany)
- Excellent Prize of President Scholarship of Chinese Academy of Sciences (1998, China)
Multiscale modeling and simulations of chemical reactions in complex environments
Method Development
- Molecular dynamics by adaptive multiscale algorithms: On-the-fly reclassifying atoms to be at various quantum and classical levels
- Flexible boundary quantum-mechanics/molecular-mechanics (QM/MM): mutual polarization and partial change transfer between QM and MM
- Electrostatically embedded many-body expansion of potentials
- Anion and proton transport in bulk solution and by CLC, CLCF, NarK, Sialin and other transport proteins
- Association of synaptotagmin C2 domains with membranes
- Cytochrome P450 enzymes: substrate docking and oxidizations
- Cluster formation and dynamics of ammonia and sulfuric acids
* indicates undergraduate or M.S. students
- Lin, H.; Zhang, Y.; Pezeshki, S.; Duster, A. W.; Wang, B.; Wu, X.-P.; Zheng, S.-W. Gagliardi, L.; Truhlar, D. G. "QMMM 2023: A program for combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical modeling and simulations," Comput. Phys. Commun. 2023, 295, 108987.
- Chon, N. L.; *Schultz, N. J.; Zheng, H.; Lin, H. "Anion pathways in the NarK nitrate/nitrite exchanger," J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2023, 63, 5142-5152
- Yan, S.; Wang, B.; Lin, H. "Tracking the delocalized proton in concerted proton transfer in bulk water," J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2023, 19, 448-459.
- Mato, J.; Duster, A. W.; Guidez, E. B.; Lin, H. "Adaptive-partitioning multilayer dynamics simulations: 1. On-the-fly switch between two quantum levels of theory," Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021, 17, 5456-5465.
- Chon, N. L.; Duster, A. W.; *Aydintug, B. O.; Lin, H. "Anion pathways in CLCF fluoride /proton antiporters," Chemical Physics Letters, 2021, 762, 138123.
- Duster, A. W.; Lin, H. "Tracking proton transfer through titratable amino acid side chains in adaptive QM/MM simulations," Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2019, 15, 5794-5809.
- Duster, A. W.; *Garza, C. M.; *Aydintug, B. O.; *Negussie, M. B.; Lin, H. "Adaptive QM/MM for molecular dynamics simulations: 6. Proton transport through a biological channel," Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2019, 15, 892-905.
- Duster, A. W.; Wang, C.-H.; Lin, H. "Adaptive QM/MM for molecular dynamics simulations: 5. on the energy-conserved permuted adaptive-partitioning schemes," Molecules, 2018, 23, 2170.
- Macdougall, D. D.; Lin, Z.; *Chon, N. L.; Jackman, S.; Lin, H.; Knight, J. D.; Anantharam, A. "The high-affinity calcium sensor synaptotagmin-7 serves multiple roles in regulated exocytosis" Journal of General Physiology, 2018, 150, 783-807.
- Wang, C.-H.; Duster, A. W.; *Aydintug, B. O.; *Zarecki, M. G.; Lin, H. "Chloride ion transport by the E. coli CLC Cl-/H+ antiporter: A combined quantum-mechanical and molecular-mechanical study," Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6, 62/1-16.
- Bendahmane, M.; Bohannon, K. P.; Rao, T. C.; Schmidtke, M. C.; Bradberry, M. M.; Abbineni, P.; *Chon, N. L.; *Tran, S.; Lin, H.; Chapman, E. R.; Knight, J. D.; Anantharam, A. "The synaptotagmin C2B domain calcium-binding loops modulate the rate of fusion pore expansion," Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2018, 29, 834-845.
- *Duster, A.; Lin, H. "Restrained proton indicator in combined quantum-mechanics /molecular-mechanics dynamics simulations of proton transfer through a carbon nanotube" Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2017, 121, 8585-8592.
- *Duster, A.; Wang, C.-H.; *Garza, C.; *Miller, D.; Lin, H. "Adaptive QM/MM: Where are we, what have we learned, and where will we go from here?" Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science, 2017, 7, e1310-n/a.
- *Chon, N. L.; Osterberg, J. R.; *Henderson, J.; Khan, H.; Reuter, N.; Knight, J. D.; Lin, H. "Membrane docking of synaptotagmin-7 C2A domain: 2. Computations reveal interplay between electrostatic and hydrophobic contributions." Biochemistry, 2015, 54, 5696-5711.
- Pezeshki, S.; Lin, H. " Adaptive-partitioning QM/MM for molecular dynamics simulations: 4. Proton hopping in bulk water." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2015, 11, 2398-2411.
- Pezeshki, S.; *Davis, C.; Heyden, A.; Lin, H. "Adaptive-partitioning QM/MM dynamics simulations: 3. Solvent molecules entering and leaving protein binding sites." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2014, 10, 4765-4776.
- Pezeshki, S.; Lin, H. "Molecular dynamics simulations of ion solvation by flexible-boundary QM/MM: On-the-fly partial charge transfer between QM and MM subsystems." Journal of Computational Chemistry 2014, 35, 1778-1788.
- Pezeshki, S.; Lin, H. "Recent developments in QM/MM methods towards open-boundary multi-scale simulations." Molecular Simulations 2014, 41, 168-189.
- *Chon, N.; Lee, S.; Lin, H. "A theoretical study of temperature dependence of cluster formation from sulfuric acid and ammonia." Chemical Physics 2014, 433, 60-66.
- *Church, J.; Pezeshki, S.; *Davis, C.; Lin, H. "Charge transfer and polarization for chloride ions bound in CLC transport proteins: natural bond orbital and energy decomposition analyses." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013, 117, 16029-16043.
- Wu, X.; Thiel, W.; Pezeshki, S.; Lin, H. "Specific reaction path Hamiltonian for proton transfer in water: Re-parameterized semi-empirical methods." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2013, 9, 2672-2686.
- Pezeshki, S.; Lin, H. "Adaptive-partitioning redistributed charge and dipole schemes for QM/MM dynamics simulations: On-the-fly relocation of boundaries that pass through covalent bonds." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2011, 7, 3625-3634.
- *Smith, M.; Lin, H. "Charge delocalization upon chloride ion binding in CLC chloride ion channels/transporters." Chemical Physics Letters, 2011, 502, 112-117.
- *Ader, L.; Jones, D. N. M.; Lin, H. "Alcohol binding to the odorant binding protein LUSH: Multiple factors affecting binding affinities." Biochemistry, 2010, 49, 6136-6142.
- Zhang, Y.; Lin, H. "Flexible-boundary QM/MM calculations: II. Partial charge transfer across the QM/MM boundary that passes through a covalent bond." Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2010, 216, 315-322.
- Zhang, Y.; Lin, H. "Quantum tunneling in testosterone 6β-hydroxylation by cytochrome P450: Reaction dynamics calculations employing multiconfiguration molecular-mechanical potential energy surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2009, 113, 11501-11508.
- Zhang, Y.; Lin, H. "Flexible-boundary quantum-mechanical/molecular-mechanical calculations: Partial charge transfer between the quantum-mechanical and molecular-mechanical subsystems." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2008, 4, 414-425.
- Zhang, Y.; *Morisetti, P.; *Kim, J.; *Smith, L., Lin, H. "Regioselectivity preference of testosterone hydroxylation by cytochrome P450 3A4."Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2008, 121, 313-319.
- Zhang, Y.; Lin, H.; Truhlar, D. G. "Self-consistent polarization of the boundary in the redistributed charge and dipole scheme for combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2007, 3, 1378-1398.
- Lin, H.; Truhlar, D. G. "QM/MM: What have we learned, where are we, and where do we go from here?" Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2007, 117, 185-199.
- Heyden, A.; Lin, H.; Truhlar, D. G. "Adaptive partitioning in combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations of potential energy functions for multiscale simulations." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2007, 111, 2231-2241.
- Lin, H.; Zhao, Y.; Tischchenko, O.; Truhlar, D. G. "Multiconfiguration molecular mechanics based on combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2006, 2, 1237-1254.
- Lin, H.; Truhlar, D. G. "Redistributed charge and dipole schemes for combined quantum-mechanical and molecule mechanical calculations." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2005, 109, 3991-4004.
- Lin, H.; Schöneboom, J. C.; Cohen, S.; Shaik, S.; Thiel, W. "QM/MM study of the product-enzyme complex in P450cam catalysis." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2004, 108, 10083-10088.
- Lin, H.; Pu, J.; Albu, T. V.; Truhlar, D. G. "Efficient molecular mechanics for chemical reactions: multi-configuration molecular mechanics using partial electronic structure Hessians." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2004, 108, 4112-4124.
- Lin, H.; Thiel, W.; Yurchenko, S. N.; Carvajal, M.; Jensen, P. "Vibrational energies for NH3 based on high level ab initio potential energy surfaces." Journal of Chemical Physics 2002, 117, 11265-11276.
- Lin, H.; Bürger, H.; Mkadmi, E. B.; He, S. G.; Yuan, L. F.; Breidung, J.; Thiel, W.; Huet, T. R.; Demaison, J. "The Si-H stretching-bending overtone polyads of SiHF3: assignments, band intensities, internal coordinate force field, and ab initio dipole moment surfaces.” Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 115, 1378-1391.
- Hu, S. M.; Lin, H.; He, S. G.; Cheng, J. X.; Zhu, Q. S. "Fourier-transform intra-cavity absorption spectroscopy of HOD v(OD) = 5 overtone." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1999, 1, 3727-3730.
- ACCESS Accelerate Grant (PI 2023-2024) “Mechanisms of anion transport by the NarK antiporter” (CHE230017), 3,000,000 credits.
- ACCESS Discover Grant (PI 2023-2024) “Multiscale study of the operation mechanism of CLC-type fluoride/proton antiporter” (BIO230001), 1,500,000 credits.
- National Science Foundation (PI, 2022-2025, with co-PI Emilie Guidez) "Adaptive multi-layer simulations of NarK transport protein," Grant No. CHE-2153441, $497,017.
- National Institute of Health (PI, 2021-2024) "Operation mechanism of CLCF fluoride/proton antiporter," Grant No. 1R15GM141728-01, $459,584.
- XSEDE (PI, 2014-2020) "Multiscale simulations of membrane proteins," Grant No. 140070 (annually renewed). CPU time service units (estimated value): 1,181,576 (~$40,893) for 2014; 2,188,235 (original 1,738,235 + supplement 450,000, ~$60,172) for 2015; 1,830,286 (1,330,286 + 500,000, ~$46,065) for 2016; 3,100,315 (~$110,735) for 2017; 2,412,878 (~$36,578) for 2019; 2,514,000 for 2020.
- Research Corporation for Science Advancement (PI, 2018-2020) "Combining artificial neural networks and quantum chemistry for simulations of proton transfer through channels and transporters," Grant No. 25793, $50,000.
- National Science Foundation (PI, 2016-2019) "Adaptive QM/MM methods for proton transfer in complex environments," Grant No. CHE-1564349, $405,000.
- NVIDIA Hardware Grant (PI, 2016) "Adaptive multiscale algorithm for simulations of proton transfer in complex environments," K40 GPU.
- NERSC (PI, 2015-2017) "Ion solvation and transport in complex environments by advanced quantum-mechanics/molecular-mechanics," Grant No. m2495. CPU time service units: 50,000 for 2015; 284,000 for 2016; 150,000 for 2017; 80,000 for 2018.
- Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation (PI, 2014-2019) "Open-boundary QM/MM methods for multiscale modeling and simulations of chemical reactions in complex environments," Grant No. TH-14-028, $60,000.
- Research Corporation for Science Advancement (co-PI, 2013-2015) "Hydrophobic and electrostatic driving forces for protein-membrane docking: A combined experimental and computational approach," Grant No. 22399, $100,000.
- XSEDE (PI, 2013-2014) "Multiscale simulations of chloride transport proteins," Grant No. 130090. CPU time 170,000 (original 150,000 and supplement 20,000) service units.
- National Renewal Energy Laboratory (PI, Subcontract 2013) "Catalytic Conversion of Biomass," $35,065
- National Science Foundation (PI, 2009-2014) "CAREER: Multiscale simulations of chloride transport proteins by combined quantum and classic mechanical approaches," Grant No. CHE-0952337, $625,000
- National Science Foundation (PI, Subcontract 2009) "Mathematics and chemistry" (NSF/1717-528-6056, $17,090) of "Institute for Mathematics and its Applications," Grant No. 9810289.
- William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (co-PI, 2009) "Computational chemical dynamics of complex systems" (Grant No. GC34900) 800,000 node-hours CPU time at the Molecular Science Computing Facility, a U.S. Department of Energy national scientific user facility located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- National Science Foundation (Senior Personnel, 2008) "MRI-Consortium: Acquisition of a supercomputer by the Front Range computing consortium," $3,995,000.
- Research Corporation (PI, 2006-2011) "Reaction mechanism and dynamics of cytochrome P2450 3A4 enzyme by combined quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical computation," Grant No. CC6725, $34,950
- National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI, 2000) "Study of the highly excited molecular overtones by Fourier transform intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy (FT-ICLAS),"Grant No. 29903010
- University of Colorado Denver, Office of Research Services Discretionary Grant (2021) "Modeling a Fluoride Transport Protein using Machine-Learning Potentials," $15,000
- University of Colorado Denver College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Innovation Seed Programs (2020) “Unlock the mysterious anion selection mechanism of CLCF proteins: Preliminary data acquisition through computer simulations,” $10,000
- University of Colorado Denver, Office of Research Services Grant (2019) "Acquisition of a GPU server for neural-network calculations in molecular dynamics simulations," $6000
- University of Colorado Denver, Office of Research Services Publication Grant (2017) "Publication of a comprehensive review on adaptive QM/MM," $700
- University of Colorado Denver, Office of Research Services Grant (2016) "Structure-based computer-aided drug design for C-terminal binding protein 1," $25,000
- University of Colorado Denver, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dissemination Grant (2012), support attending 2012 Gordon conference at Mountain Snow, VA. $500
- University of Colorado Denver, Young Upwardly Mobile Professors Grant (2011), support attending 241st ACS National Meeting at Anaheim, CA. $500
- University of Colorado Denver Faculty Development Fund (2010) "Development of new research program in computational nanotoxicology," $2,000
- University of Colorado Denver College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Innovation Seed Programs (2009) “Theoretical modeling for alcohol binding to the LUSH protein,” $7,914
- University of Colorado Denver College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Research Innovation Seed Programs (2008) “Ion solvation and transport in aqueous solutions by combined QM/MM simulations,” $14,996
- University of Colorado Denver, Young Upwardly Mobile Professors Grant, (2009), support attending the International Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany, $500
- University of Colorado Denver, Young Upwardly Mobile Professors Grant (2008), support scientific visit of Dr. Feng Shuang to our group, $500
- University of Colorado Denver, Young Upwardly Mobile Professors Grant (2007), support attending 234th ACS National Meeting at Boston, MA, $500
- University of Colorado Denver, Young Upwardly Mobile Professors Grant (2006), support attending 231st ACS National Meeting at Atlanta, GA, $500
- (2023) "Recent development in adaptive-partitioning QM/MM for the simulations of ion transport," Symposium “Award for Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2023 in Honor of Jiali Gao” in Spring 2023 ACS national meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
- (2023) "Development of adaptive partitioning multilayer methods for accurate and efficient dynamic simulations," Symposium “QM/QM and embedding models” in Spring 2023 ACS national meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
- (2021) "Molecular Transport by Adaptive-Partitioning QM/MM Simulations," Host: Prof. Ian Scott Ramsey, School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth Univeristy, Richmond, VA.
- (2020) "Machine-learning-enhanced adaptive-partitioning multiscale simulations," 2020 Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium Symposium, Boulder, CO.
- (2019) "Simulations of ion solvation and transport by adaptive partitioning QM/MM dynamics," 10th Congress of the International society of Theoretical Chemical Physics (ISTCP-X), Tromso, Norway.
- (2019) "Tracking proton traveling through titratable amino acid side chains in adaptive QM/MM simulations," Host: Prof. Joachim Herbele, Physics Department Seminar, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- (2019) "Adaptive QM/MM dynamics simulations of proton transfer through biological channels," 2019 Beijing Symposium of Electronic Structure and Dynamics of Complex Systems, Beijing, China
- (2019) "Proton transport through by biological channels," Host: Prof. Shenggui He, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
- (2018) "Proton transfer by adaptive QM/MM," Telluride Workshop: Proton Transfer in Biology, Telluride, CO
- (2018) "Towards open-boundary QM/MM," Host: Prof. Daniel Crawford, Molecular Sciences Software Institute (MolSSI) & Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
- (2018) "Computer simulations of membrane proteins," Host: Prof. Christopher Miller, Biology Department Seminar, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, CO.
- (2016) "Adaptive-partitioning for dynamics simulations." 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- (2016) "Adaptive multiscale modeling of proton transport." Telluride Workshop: Proton Transfer in Biology, Telluride, CO.
- (2016) "Adaptive multiscale modeling of solvation and transport." Host: Prof. Rosa Bulo, University of Utrecht, Netherlands.
- (2016) "Adaptive QM/MM scheme for simulations of ion solvation and transport." Host: Prof. Walter Thiel, Max-Planck Institute for Carbon Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany,
- (2016) "Multiscale modeling of ion solvation and transport." Host: Prof. Vidar Jensen, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
- (2015) "Ion solvation by QM/MM: Flexible-boundary and adaptive-partitioning," Host: Prof. Lyudmila Slipchenko, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
- (2015) "Simulations of membrane proteins," Host: Prof. Rui Zhao, University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, CO
- (2015) "Unconventional QM/MM: Flexible-boundary and adaptive-partition," Host: Prof. Shenggui He, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing, China
- (2015) "Adaptive-partitioning QM/MM dynamics simulations of proton transfer," 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, CO
- (2014) "Chemical insights for biological phenomena by computer modeling and simulations," Host: Prof. Andrew Bonham, Seminar in the Chemistry Department, Metro State University of Denver.
- (2013) "Toward the open-boundary QM/MM dynamics simulations," DFT-based Multi-layer Methods workshop, Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, Leiden, the Netherlands.
- (2013) "Toward the next generation QM/MM: Partial charge transfer and adaptive partition," Host: Prof. Rex Skodje, Physical Chemistry Seminar in the Chemistry Department, University of Colorado at Boulder.
- (2012) "Open-boundary QM/MM: Partial charge transfer and adaptive partition." Host: Prof. Daan Geerke, Seminar in the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- (2012) "Multiscale and multilevel simulations of biological systems." Host: Prof. Ulrich Kleinekathoefer, Seminar in the Chemistry Department, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany.
- (2012) "Beyond conventional QM/MM: Potential & dynamics." Host: Prof. Johannes Kaestner, Seminar in the Chemistry Department, University of Stuttgart, Germany.
- (2012) "Unconventional QM/MM: Flexible boundary and adaptive partition." Host: Prof. Walter Thiel, Theoretical Chemistry Group Seminar, Max-Planck Institute for Carbon Research, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany.
- (2012) "Multiscale and multilevel modeling and simulations in the condensed phase." Host: Prof. Vidar Jensen, Seminar in the Chemistry Department, University of Bergen, Norway.
- (2012) "Multi-scale and multi-level modeling for condensed phase." Invited Leader of Discussion, Gordon Conference of Computational Chemistry 2012, Mountain Snow, VA.
- (2012) "QM/MM: An efficient computational tool for studying enzymatic reactions," Host: Dr. Michael Crowley, Seminar at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO.
- (2011) "Molecular dynamics simulations of biomolecules by open-boundary QM/MM," Host: Dr. Bernard Brooks, Seminar at the Laboratory of Computational Biology, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
- (2011) "Open-boundary QM/MM for enzyme simulations," Computational Enzymology: From Mechanistic Understanding to Inhibitor and Biocatalyst Design Symposium, 43rd IUPAC World Chemistry Congress, San Juan, PR.
- (2011) "Multiscale simulations by open-boundary QM/MM," Symposium of New Frontier of Combined Quantum Mechanical Molecular Mechanical Methods: Theory and Applications in Chemistry and Biology, 42nd ACS Central Regional Meeting, Indianapolis, IN
- (2011) "Multiscale simulations of large-size reactive systems by combining quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics," Host: Prof. Amber Kummel, Physical Chemistry Seminar, Colorado State University
- (2010) "Testosterone hydroxylation by cytochrome P450 3A4," Host: Prof. Zexing Cao, Quantum Chemistry Seminar, Xiamen University, China
- (2010) "Multiscale simulations of large-size reactive systems by combining quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics," Host: Prof. Jinlong Yang, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China, China
- (2010) "Multiscale simulations of large-size reactive systems by combining quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics," Host: Prof. Feng Shuang, Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Hefei, China
- (2010) "Multiscale simulations of large-size reactive systems by combining quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics," Host: Prof. Shenggui He, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing, China
- (2009) "Flexible-boundary QM/MM: partial charge transfer between QM and MM subsystems," Host: Prof. Donald Truhlar, Computational Chemistry Group Seminar, University of Minnesota
- (2008) "Flexible-boundary QM/MM: Adaptive partition and partial charge transfer between QM and MM subsystems," Host: Prof. Kenneth Merz, Jr., Quantum Theory Project, University of Florida
- (2007) "Understand biochemical processes at the atomic level," Host: Prof. Rui Zhao, Program in Biomolecular Structure Seminar, School of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver.
- (2007) "Toward more realistic simulations of large-size reactive systems by combining quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics in new ways," Science Driven Petascale Computing and Capability Development, Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, WA
- (2006) "An accurate and efficient computational tool for understanding enzymatic reactions," Host: Prof. Jan Mandel, Center for Computational Mathematics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver
- (2005) "QM/MM: What have we learned, where are we, and where do we go from here?" 10th Electronic Computational Chemistry Conference
- (2001) "Overtone intensities of XH (X = C and Si) chromophores in some small molecules," Host: Prof. Michael Dolg, Department of Chemistry, Bonn University, Germany
- (2000) "Overtone intensities of XH (X = C and Si) chromophores in some small molecules," Host: Prof. Walter Thiel, Max-Planck-Institut for Kohlenforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
- (2000) "Overtone intensities of XH (X = C and Si) chromophores in some small molecules," Workshop on Reductions of the Rovibrational Hamiltonian, Oberwolfach, Germany
- (2000) "Fourier transform intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy and vibrational overtone intensities," Host: Prof. Bernd Abel, Department of Physical Chemistry, Götingen University, Germany
- (1999) "Fourier transform intra-cavity laser absorption spectroscopy and vibrational overtone intensities," Host: Prof. Li Li, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, China
- 2024-now Departmental Chair, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2021-now Member, Faculty Mentoring Program, University of Colorado Denver
- 2019-2023 Member, General Chemistry Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2018-now Member, Rocky Mountain Advanced Computing Consortium
- 2016-2023 Member, Graduate Program Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2022-2023 Member, Data Science Concentration Exploration Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2022 Review Panel, National Science Foundation
- 2022 Reviewer, CRISP Proposals, CLAS, University of Colorado Denver
- 2021-2022 Chair, Primary Unit Criteria Committee, Chemistry Departmental, University of Colorado Denver
- 2017-2021 UROP/EURECA Award Review Committee, University of Colorado Denver
- 2020-2021 Chair of Personnel Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2021 Chair of Post Tenure Review Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2021 Member, RTP Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2019 Graduate School Award Reviewer, University of Colorado Denver
- 2018-2019 Chair of RTP Committees, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2016-2017 Chair of Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2013-2017 Mentor, Tenure Track Faculty Mentoring Program, University of Colorado Denver
- 2016-2017 Chair and members of RTP Committees, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015-2016 Associate Departmental Chair, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015-2016 Interim Graduate Program Advisor, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015-2016 Chair of Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015-2016 Capital Equipment Fund Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015-2016 Coordinator of Departmental Seminar, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015-2016 Chair and members of RTP Committees, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015 Review Panel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowship Program
- 2015 RTP Committees, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2015 Departmental Award Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2014-2015 Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2014 Personnel Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2013-2014 Chair of Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2008-2013 Mentor, LAB COATS program
- 2012 Review Panel, National Science Foundation
- 2012 Personnel Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2011-2012 Interim Graduate Program Advisor, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2011-2012 Curriculum Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2011-2012 Chair of Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2010-2012 Executive Committee, Center of Computational Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver
- 2011 Personnel Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2010-2011 Chair of Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2010 Review Panel, CRISPS Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
- 2010 Review Panel, Faculty Award for Research & Creative Activities, University of Colorado Denver
- 2010 Personnel Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2005-2010 Graduate Program Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2009 Member, Center for Computational Biology, University of Colorado Denver
- 2009 Review Panel, National Science Foundation
- 2009 External Evaluator, National Research Foundation of South Africa
- 2009 Review Panel, Faculty Award for Research & Creative Activities, University of Colorado Denver
- 2009 Review Panel, Dissemination Grant, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
- 2006-2009 Faculty Council, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Colorado Denver
- 2007-2008 Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
- 2005-2006 Faculty Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver
- 2005-2006 Faculty Search Committee, Chemistry Department, University of Colorado Denver
American Chemical Society (ACS)
2022-2024 Frontiers in Chemistry, Associate Editor
2018-2018 Molecules (co-Guest Editor with Donald Truhlar for special issue "Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Methods and Simulations")
Accounts of Chemical Research; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces; ACS Catalysis; Angewandte Chemie; Applied Optics; Biochemistry; Biophysical Journal; Canadian Journal of Chemistry; Chemistry, an Asian Journal; Coordination Chemistry Reviews; Computational Physics Communications; eLife; Energy & Environmental Materials; Inorganic Chemistry; Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences; International Journal of Quantum Chemistry; Journal of the American Chemical Society; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Journal of Chemical Physics; Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation; Journal of Computational Chemistry; Journal of Material Research; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Journal of Physical Chemistry A; Journal of Physical Chemistry B; Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters; Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Langmuir; Molecular Physics; Molecules; Nature Communications; Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; PLoS ONE; RSC Advance; RSC Chemical Science; Spectrochimica Acta A; Theoretical Chemistry Accounts; WIREs Computational Molecular Science
- Environmental Protection Agency
- National Science Foundation
- Petroleum Research Fund
- Research Corporation
- Austrian Science Fund
- Czech Science Foundation
- Israel Science Foundation
- Israeli-USA Binational Science Foundation
- Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
- Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
- National Research Foundation of South Africa
Co-organizer (with Yihan Shao), "Computational Drug Discovery," CU Denver-Schroedinger Inc., Oct. 18, 2013
Co-organizer (with Jingzhi Pu and Sijia Dong), ACS COMP Symposium in Honor of the 80th Birthday of Prof. Donald G. Truhlar on August 18-19, 2024 at the ACS Fall 2024 National Meeting (Denver, CO)
- CRC Press
- Kendall/Hunt
- Oxford University Press
- Springer
- Courses Taught/Scheduled
- New Course Development
- Extensive Course Revision
- Grants for Teaching
- Teaching-Skill Enhancement
- Postdoctoral and Professional Research Assisiatant Research Supervised
- Graduate Students Thesis/Research Supervised
- Undergraduate Students Thesis/Research Supervised
- K-12 School Teacher Research Supervised
- High-School Student Research Supervised
- Thesis Committee of Students Supervised by Other Faculties
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Fall
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845 section 001) Spring
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM5510 section 001) Fall
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Spectroscopy (CHEM4521 section 001) Fall
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 001) Spring
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 005) Fall
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM5510 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemsitry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM4511 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 005) Fall
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 001) Spring
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 003) Fall
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 001) Spring
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 001) Spring
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Spring
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 003) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 005) Fall
- Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM4511 section 001) Spring
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Spectroscopy (CHEM4521 section 001) Fall
- Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM4511 section 001) Spring
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM5600 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Spectroscopy (CHEM4521 section 001) Fall
- Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM4511 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Spectroscopy (CHEM4521 section 001) Fall
- Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics (CHEM4511 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum and Spectroscopy (CHEM4521 section 001) Fall
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM5510 section 001) Fall
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry II (CHEM4521 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry I (CHEM4511 section 001) Fall
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry II (CHEM4521 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry I (CHEM4511 section 001) Fall
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM 5073 section 502) Summer
- Physical Chemistry II (CHEM4521 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 002) Spring
- Physical Chemistry I (CHEM4511 section 001) Fall
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry II (CHEM4521 section 001) Spring
- Physical Chemistry I (CHEM4511 section 001) Fall
- Molecular Modeling and Simulation (CHEM5600 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry II (CHEM2061 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 002) Fall
- Physical Chemistry Lab II (CHEM4538 section 002) Spring
- Physical Chemistry Lab II (CHEM4538 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry II (CHEM2061 section 002) Spring
- Physical Chemistry Lab I (CHEM4518 section 002) Fall
- Physical Chemistry Lab I (CHEM4518 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 002) Fall
- Physical Chemistry Lab II (CHEM4538 section 002) Spring
- Physical Chemistry Lab II (CHEM4538 section 001) Spring
- General Chemistry II (CHEM2061 section 002) Spring
- Physical Chemistry Lab I (CHEM4518 section 002) Fall
- Physical Chemistry Lab I (CHEM4518 section 001) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM2031 section 002) Fall
- General Chemistry I (CHEM 2031) Summer
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM5510) Spring
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM5600) Fall 2016
- Advanced Physical Chemistry (CHEM5530) Spring 2010
- Molecular Modeling and Simulation (CHEM5600) Fall 2009
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM5510) Spring 2006
- Molecular Modeling and Drug Design (CHEM4845/5845) Spring 2018
- Computational Chemistry (CHEM5510) Fall 2014
- Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics & Kinetics (CHEM4521) Spring 2014
- Physical Chemistry: Quantum & Spectroscopy (CHEM4511) Fall 2013
- Physical Chemistry Lab II (CHEM4538) Spring 2007
- University of Colorado Denver (2022) SITFAC Fund “Upgrade of Computational Resources for Modern Data-Science Driven/Related Chemistry Courses,” together with Scott Reed, Emilie Guidez, Woonghee Lee, and Haobin Wang, $73,553
- University of Colorado Denver (2007) Capital Equipment Fund: Replacement of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for Physical Chemistry Laboratory, together with Larry Anderson, Mark Anderson, and Michael Travers, $33,200
- University of Colorado Denver (2007) Faculty Development Fund: Development of the radical species UV-vis spectrometer system for Physical Chemistry Laboratory, together with Michael Travers, $4,000
- University of Colorado Denver (2006) SITFAC Fund: Upgrade Computational Chemistry Program Spartan, $2,000
Participate in Prepare Future Faculty (PFF) program, University of Minnesota (2004)
Participated in XSEDE workshop: Introduction to Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum: Agent-based Modeling (2021)
- Bryce Westheimer (2024-now) co-supervisor Dr. Emilie Guidez
- Nara Chon (3) (2018-now) co-supervisor Dr. Jeff Kinight
- Chung-hung Wang (3) (2016-2017)
- Soroosh Pezeshki (8) (2010-2014)
- Yan Zhang (5) (2006-2008)
- Julia Roma (2024-now) co-supervisor Dr. Emilie Guidez
- Jennifer Nguyen (2024-now)
- Eric Wooten (2023-2024)
- Anh Tran (1) (2022-2024) co-supervisor Dr. Emilie Guidez
- Natalie Schulitz (1) (2021-2024)
- Sierra Knodle (2021-2023)
- Julia Deyanova (2021-2022)
- Adam Duster (11) (2015-2021)
- Nara Chon (4) (2015-2018)
- Phani Morisetti (1) (2008)
- Jeffery Kim (1) (2007)
- KunTae Pak (2006)
- Sophie Morgan (2024-now)
- Muhamadjon Dzhalolov (2023-now)
- Sam Fredrick (2023-now)
- Faith Montemayor (2023-now) co-supervisor Dr. Emilie Guidez
- Jennifer Nguyen (2022-2024)
- Sabrina Chow (2022-2022)
- Michael Swing (2020-2022)
- Zeyna Aouard (2021-2022)
- Sierra Knodle (2019-2021)
- Billy Stone (2020-2021)
- Jillian Oviedo (2018-2021)
- Shamik Bhat (1) (2017-2021)
- Sahitya Talachutla (1) (2017-2021)
- Quillen Verner (2020-2021)
- Baris Aytintug (3) (2017-2021)
- Edith Huizar (2020)
- Tanja Kovacevic (2017-2020)
- Mikias Negussie (2) (2017-2020) co-supervisor Dr. Jeff Kinight
- Sherleen Tran (2) (2016-2020) co-supervisor Dr. Jeff Kinight
- Julia Deyanova (2017-2019)
- Sungjoon Kim (2019)
- Yishak Bedaso (2019)
- Danielle Miller (1) (2015-2018)
- Emily Jowsey (2017-2018)
- Lam Huynh (2017)
- MacKenzie Zarecki (1) (2015-2017)
- Eun-bie Shin (2015-2017)
- Christina Garza (3) (2014-2017)
- Brenda Moll (2016)
- Dante Merrill (2014-2016)
- Jack Henderson (2) (2013-2016)
- Christal Davis (2) (2012-2015)
- Nara Chon (3) (2011-2014)
- Cecelia Johnson-Sasso (2012-2014)
- Lesley Tyk (2011-2013)
- Eun Kim (2011-2013)
- Jonathan Church (1) (2012-2013)
- Jason Lathrop (2011)
- David Faktorovich (2010)
- Kevin Kim (2010-2011)
- Mia Smith (1) (2010-2011)
- Lauren Ader (1) (2009-2010)
- Jonathan Levy (2008)
- Lynelle Smith (1) (2008-2009)
- Daniel Silverstein (2008)
- Phani Morisetti (2007-2008)
- Carrie Ryan (2007-2008)
- Joseph Duncan (2023, 2024)
- Keith Harrison (2023, 2024)
- Ethan Dusto (2010, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2024)
- Kaleigh Karlen (2024)
- Jocelyn Nguyen-Reed (2017, 2019)
- Scott R. Dawkins (2016)
- Conley Flynn (2016)
- Jennifer Swanson (2011, 2012)
- Stephanie Guilliams (2012)
- Catherine Sedalnick (2012)
- Peggy Rizzo (2011)
- Mike Ripko (2011)
- Vikram Raju (2023-now) co-supervised by Jefferson Knight and Nara Chon
- Jerry Wang (2022-2024)
- Henoch Argaw (2016)
- Tasha Schoenstein (2011)
- Alicia Key (2024)
- Abigail Chiu (2024)
- Alex Plonski (2022)
- Marcus Mondragon (2021)
- Timothy Spotts (2018)
- Hai Tran (2018)
- Mallika Iyer (2017)
- Cory Hoffman (2016)
- Rebecca Frances Cherry (2015)
- Oren McNulty (2015)
- John William Nelson Jr. (2015)
- Jason Ray (2015)
- Duc Mihn VuLuong (2015)
- John Osterberg (2014)
- Heather Baroody (2012)
Dr. Hai Lin
Professor, Chemistry Department,
University of Colorado Denver,
SI 4126B, Campus Mail 194,
PO Box 173364, Denver, CO 80217
Phone: +1-303-315-7656
Fax: +1-303-556-4776
ORCID • Google Scholar • Researcher ID
Interested students are very welcomed to contact me via my email about research projects and research positions.
By the way, I found this interesting link.