TA or Grader
Teaching Assistant job descriptions, hiring criteria and the email of the coordinator are found at the bottom of this page. You are encouraged to approach the coordinator for more information.
For the Spring 2025, CLAS Teaching Assistant position pays per semester is $1,394 for 1 credit course, $2,788 for 2 credit course, and $4,182 for 3 credit course.
Graders are responsible for assisting the course instructor with grading/assessment activities. This can be photocopying, running scantrons, grading written work with the help of rubrics and/or answer keys, or entering grades into Canvas. Graders do not interact with students in the course. Graders will be paid an hourly rate of $18.81 - $21.16 (depending on experience) and will submit timesheets in My Leave and Supervisors will approve time worked on a biweekly basis.
- TAs and Graders must be enrolled in a class for the entire semester they are employed
- Graduate student standing in Ethnic Studies
- 3.0 GPA
- Applicants will be subject to a background check prior to hiring
Important notes on employment:
Teaching Assistant appointments are reserved for students actively enrolled and participating in an approved graduate program. Prior to assuming your job duties, you will be required to provide proof of enrollment in a graduate program to your employing department. If your enrollment status changes, please notify your department and supervisor immediately. Your enrollment status is subject to verification at any time. If you are found not to be actively enrolled, your appointment could be subject to immediate termination. Students must be making satisfactory academic progress toward their degree to be eligible for a TA position.
Students may work a maximum of 25 hours per week or 50 hours per biweekly payroll period during the fall and spring semesters, provided that no single week in that period exceeds 40 hours. Work hour limits apply to all positions held at CU combined. You must disclose to your employing department any other employment you have with the University of Colorado.
Positions availability is dependent on enrollment and funding.
Email ethnic_studies@ucdenver.edu for more information.