K. Mohrman

Ph.D. | Clinical Teaching Track Associate Professor
Department of Ethnic Studies

Office Location:
Plaza 102 F

Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m and by appointment 

Expertise Areas:
Feminist and queer theory; critical and comparative ethnic studies; critical Mormon studies; U.S. history; popular and visual culture.

K. Mohrman is a Clinical Teaching Track Associate Professor in Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado Denver. Her work examines formations and histories of sexuality, race, religion, gender, and nation in the context of nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first century US imperialism. Her work has appeared in Radical History Review and Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, among other venues. She is the recipient of the 2018-2019 LGBT Religious History Award for her paper, “Becoming White: Theologizing Heteronormativity in Mormonism, 1890-1945.” Her book, Exceptionally Queer: Mormon Peculiarity and U.S. Nationalism, published by the University of Minnesota Press (2022), argues that contestations over Mormonism in popular and political culture have played a central role in shaping national identity and ideology, particularly through the production and maintenance of sexual normativity and racial hierarchy.

Ph.D., American Studies with a minor in Feminist and Critical Sexuality Studies, University of Minnesota
M.A., Humanities and Social Thought, New York University
B.A., Study of Women and Gender with a minor in History, Smith College

K. Mohrman. “Documenting Gender and Sexuality in Mormonism: D. Michael Quinn, LGBTQ Historiography, and Making Religion Matter.” In Title TBD, edited by Benjamin Park. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, forthcoming 2023, pages TBD.

K. Mohrman, Exceptionally Queer: Mormon Peculiarity and U.S. Nationalism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2022.

K. Mohrman, “Mormonism and the Heart of Whiteness,” Journal Supplement: Mormons, Race, and the History of Sexuality, American Religion (April 13, 2022): https://www.american-religion.org/mormons-race-sexuality.

K. Mohrman. “Same-Sex Marriage?! What Next, Polygamy? Mormonism in U.S. Political Culture,” Mormon Studies Review 8 (2021): 57-67.

K. Mohrman. “Polygamy.” In Routledge History of American Sexuality, edited by Kevin P. Murphy, Jason Ruiz, and David Serlin. New York: Routledge, 2020: 263-275.

K. Mohrman. “Queer Mormons.” In Routledge Handbook of Mormonism and Gender, edited by Taylor Petrey and Amy Hoyt. New York: Routledge, 2020: 525-538. 

Mia Fischer and K. Mohrman. “Multicultural Integration in Germany: Race, Religion, and the Mseut Özil Controversy,” Journal of International and Intercultural Communication (2020).

K. Mohrman. “Review: Latter-day Screens: Gender, Sexuality, and Mediated Mormonism,” Theology & Sexuality 26, no. 1 (2020): 79-81.

K. Mohrman. “Review: Gay Rights and the Mormon Church: Intended Actions, Unintended Consequences,” Sociology of Religion, 81, no. 1 (Spring 2020): 123-125.

K. Mohrman and Mis Fischer. “Intersectionality.” The Sage Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society edited by Debra L. Merskin. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc., 2020: 846-847.

K. Mohrman. “Review: A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Women’s Rights in Early Mormonism, 1835-1870,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion (July 20, 2018), https://doi-org.aurarialibrary.idm.oclc.org/10.1093/jaarel/lfy032.

Mia Fischer and K. Mohrman. “Black Deaths Matter? Sousveillance and the Invisibility of Black Lives.” Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, no. 10 (November 2016): http://adanewmedia.org/2016/10/issue10-fischer-mohrman/.

K. Mohrman. “Queering the LDS Archive.” In “Queering Archives: Intimate Tracings,” edited by Daniel Marshall, Kevin P. Murphy, and Zeb Tortorici. Special Issue, Radical History Review, no. 122 (Spring 2015): 143-159.

  • ETST 1111: Stories We Tell: Explorations of Race, Ethnicity, Culture
  • ETST 4000/5000: Research Methods
  • ETST 4030/5030: Race, Religion, and Belonging in the US
  • ETST/WGST 4305/5305: Women of Color Feminisms
  • WGST 1111 002: Queer Histories, Queer Lives: Introduction to LGBTQ/Queer Studies
  • ENGL 1030: Core Composition I
  • ENGL 2030: Core Composition II