Jihee Yoon

photo of jihee yoon
Department of Ethnic Studies

Expertise Areas:

Critical Youth Studies, Youth Participatory Action Research, Aesthetics

My research and passion have been focused on centering BIPOC youth and community through Youth Participatory Action Research. I had the honor of working with youth through community run non-profit organizations in Aurora, Colorado where I grew up before moving to Tucson. I am currently immersing myself within Black Feminist Theory in relation to Asian Critical Theory, Youth Studies and Aesthetics practices and to further my research and studies.

ABD Ph.D., University of Arizona (Anticipated Graduation 2024)

B.A., M.S.S., University of Colorado Denver

Yoon, J. & McLachlan, M. (2023).  Gloria Anzaldua and Maria Lugones on fragmentation, curdling and separation: A conversation between friends. Hypatia (Submitted for publication).

Mendoza, E., Mackey, J., Yoon, J. (2023). Expanding/Rupturing Ideologies in Mathematics Teaching Noticing: Noticing, Reciprocity, and Healing. (Submitted for publication)

Frierson, M., Hand, V., Mendoza, E., Yoon, J. (2022) Communities as Fraught Spaces. AERA OPEN. (Submitted for publication).

Yoon, J., Gomez, L., Gonzales, J., Martinez, R., Torres, K., Williams, V., ... & Cammarota, J. (2021). Spill the Tea. In Liberatory Practices for Learning (pp. 47-68). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Mackey, J., Cammarota, J., Yoon, J., Martinez, R., Gonzales, J., Gomez, L., Williams, V. (2021). Counter-storytelling across varying youth contexts and intergenerational work in YPAR settings. The Assembly, 3(1), 71-85.

Introduction to Ethnic Studies

Culture, Racism & Alienation

Ethnicity & Race in Contemporary American Culture

Asian American Pacific Islander Cultures

Asian American Pacific Islander Food and Identity

Global Media