Professor Smith's research is currently focused on income inequality and the theory of monopoly. His papers have appeared in some of the top journals in economics including The American Economic Review, The Journal of Econometrics, Review of Economics and Statistics, and The Journal of Finance. Several have been widely cited.
Selected Publications
"Measuring Inequality with Interval Data," Mathematical Social Sciences (with Steven Beckman and Buhong Zheng), 2009, pp. 25-34.
"Mobility Measurement, Transition Matrices and Statistical Inference," Journal of Econometrics (with John P. Formby and Buhong Zheng), 2004, pp. 181-205.
"Experimental Evidence on Okun’s Leaky Bucket," (with Steve Beckman and John p. Formby) in Inequality, Welfare and Distribution: Experimental Evidence (Frank Cowell, ed.), Research on Economic Inequality, Volume 11, JAI Press, 2004.
"Envy, Malice and Pareto Efficiency: An Experimental Examination," Social Choice and Welfare, (with Steve Beckman and John P. Formby and Buhong Zheng), 2002, pp. 349-367.
"Inequality Orderings, Normalized Stochastic Dominance and Statistical Inference," Journal of Business and Economic Statistics (with Buhong Zheng, John P. Formby and Victor Chow), 2000, Vol. 18. No 4, pp. 479-488.
"Lorenz Dominance and Welfare: Changes in the U.S. Distribution of Income, 1967-1986," The Review of Economics and Statistics (with John A. Bishop and John P. Formby), February, 1991, pp. 134-139.
"On the Measurement and Trend of Income Inequality: A Reconsideration," The American Economic Review (with John P. Formby and Terry G. Seaks), March 1989, pp. 257-264.
"The Law of Demand, Positive Sloping Marginal Revenue and Multiple Profit Equilibria," Economic Inquiry, April 1982, pp. 303 11 (with John P. Formby and Stephen Layson), abstracted in the Journal of Economic Literature, December 1982, p. 1870.