Research Assistantships
The Department of Economics awards research assistantships to both undergraduate and graduate students, typically carrying a workload ranging from five to 30 hours per week during the semester. Research assistants help professors with research, which can take a variety of forms including data entry, statistical analysis, library/literature search and computer programming.
The department awards research assistantships based on academic merit, as demonstrated by the applicant's GPA in economics courses, as well as personal enthusiasm for doing academic research. Typically, qualified undergraduate students have taken both the statistics and econometrics classes. Graduate students should have completed at least one semester in the MA program in Economics at CU Denver, or should provide evidence that they can be effective research assistants based on demonstrated mathematics, statistics and/or computer skills, or have previous research experience.
Application Process
Current students will receive the application form through the graduate student listserv. The deadline is one month before the beginning of each semester.
Note that in addition to department-funded research assistantship, a number of professors conduct research funded by federal agencies or private foundations. Those professors hire additional research assistants with their own funding. For information on such positions students may contact the graduate advisors.