Soojae Moon-Anderson

Professor Soojae Moon-Anderson
Soojae Moon-Anderson, PhD • Associate Teaching Professor

Office Location: LSC 470M

Areas of Expertise:
International Economics, Macroeconomics​​

Ph.D., Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2013.
M.A., Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2009.
B.A., Economics (Minor in Statistics), University of Minnesota, 2007.

Soojae is an Associate Professor CT of Economics.

Much of her work constructs dynamic, stochastic, general equilibrium (DSGE) models. These models incorporate heterogeneous agents on the producer side; entry and exit dynamics; fixed exporting costs; production linkages; and iceberg trade costs to explain empirical regularities identified in the literature on international real business cycles (IRBC) through calibration and simulation. Her main goal is to explore the aggregate implications of micro-level firm dynamics in open economies, explaining along the way how the models matter for international transmission and trade policy.

Selected Publications

Soojae Moon (2016). "The 'Backus-Smith' Puzzle, Non-tradable Output, and International Business Cycles," Studies in Economics and Finance, 33(4), 532-552.

Soojae Moon (2015). "The Losses from Trade Restrictions: Policy Dynamics with Firm Selection and Endogenous Markup," Review of International Economics 23(1), 86-110.​

Undergraduate Level: 
ECON 2022: Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2012: Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 3415: International Trade 
ECON 4071: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 4081: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 3811: Statistics with Computer Applications

Graduate Level: 
ECON 5083: Macroeconomic Theory