Marcelo Perraillon

Photo of Professor Perraillon
Marcelo Parreillon, Ph.D. • Associate Professor
Department of Health Systems • Management & Policy

13001 E. 17th Place, Campus Box B119
Aurora, CO 80045

Areas of Expertise:
Health economics, Health policy, Nursing homes, Long-term care, Ageing, Health outcomes, Applied statistical methods

Ph.D., HSR (Health Economics & Biostatistics), University of Chicago
M.A., Economics, Tufts University
B.A., Business and Economics, Universidad Diego Portales

Marcelo Coca Perraillon, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Health, Systems, Management & Policy at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, with a secondary appointment in the Economics Department at the Denver campus. His research focuses on the the evaluation of the effects of healthcare policy on costs, quality, and outcomes using statistical designs that permit the estimation of causal effects from observational data. Areas of interest include long-term care research and Medicare/Medicaid policy evaluation. Much of his work involves statistical modeling using large data sets and observational data methods. Dr. Perraillon teaches graduate-level classes on statistical/econometric methods for health services research, economic evaluations, and health economics.

Before obtaining his doctoral degree at the University of Chicago, he was a researcher at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Dr. Perraillon co-directs the Population Health Share Resources core at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. He is  also a member at the Center for Health Statistics at the University of Chicago and an editorial board member of Medical Care Research and Review (MCRR).

Selected Publications

For a list of Professor Peraillon's publications, see Google Scholar.

Methods for health services research I (PhD-level) (HSMP 7607)
Health economics (MPH, MD/MPH level) (HSMP 6604)