Brian Duncan

Picture of Brian Duncan
Brian Duncan, PhD • Professor
• Department Chair

Office Location: Lawrence Street Center 470D

Areas of Expertise:
Labor and Demographic Economics, Applied Econometrics, Economics of Philanthropy, Immigrant Assimilation, and Race/Ethnic Identity

PhD, Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1998
BA, Economics, San Diego State University, 1992

Brian Duncan is a professor of economics at the University of Colorado Denver.  His research focuses on the economics of generosity, specifically examining the conflicting motives individuals have for contributing to charitable causes.  Professor Duncan has also written on the economic incentives of foster care and adoption, and on the intergenerational progress of the descendants of Mexican immigrants.  He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Selected Publications

“Ethnic Attrition, Assimilation, and the Measured Health Outcomes of Mexican Americans” (with Francisca Antman and Stephen J. Trejo). Journal of Population Economics 33, March 2020, pp. 1499-1522.

“New Evidence of Generational Progress for Mexican Americans” (with Jeffrey Grogger, Ana Sofia Leon, and Stephen J. Trejo), NBER WP No. 24067, Labour Economics 62, January 2020, pp. 1-21.

“Weighing the Military Option: The Effects of Wartime Conditions on Investments in Human Capital” (with Hani Mansour and Bryson Rintala).  IZA DP No. 10211, Economic Inquiry 47(1), 2019, pp. 264-282.

“It’s Just a Game: The Super Bowl and Low Birth Weight” (with Hani Mansour and Daniel I. Rees), Journal of Human Resources 52(4), fall 2017, pp. 946-978.

“The Complexity of Immigrant Generations: Implications for Assessing the Socioeconomic Integration of Hispanics and Asians” (with Stephen J. Trejo), Industrial and Labor Relations Review 70(5), October 2017, pp. 1146-1175.

“Ethnic Attrition and the Observed Health of Later-Generation Mexican Americans” (with Francisca Antman and Stephen J. Trejo). American Economic Review 106(5), May 2016 (papers and proceedings), pp. 467-471.

“Incentives to Identify: Racial Identity in the Age of Affirmative Action” (with Francisca Antman), Review of Economics and Statistics 97(3), July 2015, pp. 710-713.

“Economic Incentives and Foster Child Adoption” (with Laura Argys), Demography 50(3), June 2013, pp. 933-54.

“The Employment of Low-Skilled Immigrant Men in the United States” (with Stephen J. Trejo), American Economic Review 102(3), May 2012 (papers and proceedings), pp. 549-554.

"Intermarriage and the Intergenerational Transmission of Ethnic Identity and Human Capital for Mexican Americans" (with Steve Trejo), Journal of Labor Economics 29(2), April 2011, pp. 195-227.

"Ancestry versus Ethnicity: The Complexity and Selectivity of Mexican Identification in the United States" (with Steve Trejo), Research in Labor Economics 29, 2009, pp. 31-66.

"Secret Santa Reveals the Secret Side of Giving: Negative Externalities," Economic Inquiry 47(1), 2009, pp. 165-181.

"Economic Incentives and Foster Care Placement," (with Laura Argys), The Southern Economic Journal 74(1), 2007, pp. 114-142.

"Using Municipal Residency Requirement to Disguise Public Policy," Public Finance Review 33(1), January 2005, pp. 84-116.

"A Theory of Impact Philanthropy," Journal of Public Economics 88(9-10), August 2004, pp. 2159-2180.

"Pumpkin Pies and Public Goods: The Raffle Fundraising Strategy," Public Choice 111(1-2), April 2002, pp. 49-79.

"Modeling Charitable Contributions of Time and Money," Journal of Public Economics 72(2), May 1999, pp. 213-242.

Undergraduate level: 
ECON 2022: Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 4071: Intermediate Microeconomics

Graduate level: 
ECON 5813: Econometrics I
ECON 5823: Econometrics II
ECON 6210: Public Finance
ECON 6053: Seminar in Applied Economics: Public Choice
ECON 6073: Research Seminar