Dodge, P. S-W., Editor. (2020). Communication Convergence in Contemporary China: International Perspectives on Politics, Platforms, and Participation. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.
Peer-Reviewed Publications (Journal Articles & Book Chapters)
Hartnett, S. J. & Dodge, P. S-W. (2024) “Choose the Good and Be Stubborn”: Celebrating Nylon Cheng, Memory Activism, and the Fight for Democracy in Taiwan." Rhetoric & Public Affairs. 26:4.
Hartnett, S. J. & Dodge, P. S-W. (2022). “Memory Activism and the Rhetorical Politics of Public Secrets, Forced Forgetting, and Dangerous Remembering.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs. 24:4, 685-725. DOI: 10.2307/48657636
Hartnett, S. J., Dodge, P. S-W., & Keränen, L. (2019). “Postcolonial Remembering in Taiwan: 228 and Transitional Justice as “The End of Fear.”” Journal of International & Intercultural Communication. DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2019.1614206
Dodge, P. S-W. & Keränen, L. (2018). “Sixty Years of “Peaceful Liberation” at the Tibet Museum in Lhasa: Triumphant Modernization at the Rooftop of the World.” Chinese Journal of Communication. Volume 11, Issue 3. DOI: 10.1080/17544750.2018.1470543
Dodge, P. S-W. (2017). "Imagining Dissent: Contesting the Façade of Harmony Through Art and the Internet in China." In S. Hartnett, L. Keränen, & D. Conley (Eds.), Imagining China: Rhetorics of Nationalism in the Age of Globalization. Michigan State University Press.