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My Ph.D. focused on Prehistoric Archaeology and Mortuary Practices. My dissertation examines the Brownsville Complex of South Texas and its place in the temporal framework of South Texas, Coastal and Mexican archeology. I have worked as both an Archeologist (Prehistoric and Historic) and a Physical Anthropologist (Forensic Anthropologist and Bioarcheologist) for Private Cultural Resource Management (Archaeology) Companies, the Federal Government and Universities, and I have received formal training in all Federal cultural resource laws and regulations including the National Historic Preservation Act, the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).
My experience includes hundreds of archeological projects, including archaeological surveys, archaeological monitoring, National Register of Historic Places eligibility test excavations, and full archaeological excavations, laboratory analysis of archaeological assemblages, report writing, cultural resource management for oil and gas, FERC, energy transmission and telecommunications projects, and teaching at the University level. I am extremely interested in Hunter Gatherers, Mortuary and Death Practices, Forensic Anthropology, Historic and Prehistoric Archaeology, and Cultural Anthropology and how it can better help us understand each other in an ever changing world. I welcome the opportunity to convey to students what types of jobs are available in Archeology and Anthropology and share my extensive field, research, writing, and management experience in Archaeology and Anthropology and as my main focus is Undergraduate Students, I am not taking Graduate Students at this time.