Design Ethnography

Design Ethnography



Portal to Peru: Design Document



Introduction to Digital Video Editing

In the following tutorial I present an introduction to creating digital stories using WeVideo, including:

  • how to create a new project
  • how to record video and audio within WeVideo
  • how to import media 
  • how to create editing tracks
  • how to add, place, and adjust audio and visual media into the editing timeline
  • how to add effects  
  • how to add transitions
  • how to add a title screen and credits


Lecture: WeVideo Tutorial

Visit this folder to obtain audiovisual files that you will need to complete the tutorial.



Introduction to Visual Novel Software

In this first part of the lesson, you'll gain an introduction to visual novel software, including creating a game and scene, as well as adding and managing characters and adjusting the background. The first tutorial introduces the software and leads you through game and scene creation, while the second addresses characters and backgrounds. The tutorials you see here are based on those available at the TyranoBuilder Visual Novel Studio website (start here), so you should feel free to follow those tutorials as well. The tutorial assets included in this introduction and tutorials come from the TyranoBuilder tutorial website and do not belong to the author.

TyranoBuilder Tutorial Part 1

TyranoBuilder Tutorial Part 2


Next, you will begin developing your visual novel script. By completing these tutorials, you will have gained an introduction to the visual novel genre, and begun learning about visual novel software.

Assets for Tutorials


Adding Branches, Music, and Special Effects, Customizing Buttons, and Exporting

In this next part of the lesson, you'll learn how to add story branches, music and special effects, customize buttons, and export.  The first tutorial introduces story branches and music/special effects, while the second addresses customization and exporting.

TyranoBuilder Tutorial Part 3

TyranoBuilder Tutorial Part 4


By the time you complete TyranoBuilder Tutorials I-IV, you will be able to create a very basic visual novel game, containing two linked scenes. 


Adding Flags and Variables

In this part of the lesson, you will continue learning how to use TyranoBuilder, learning how to integrate at least one instance of flags/variables into your interactive narrative. You can do this in two ways in TyranoBuilder: by using TyranoBuilder itself, or by using TyranoBuilder's native scripting language, TyranoScript. In this final tutorial, we will explore how to use flags and variables with TyranoBuilder specifically.


Tutorial: Using Flags and Variables with TyranoBuilder

TyranoBuilder Tutorial Part 5 

Earlier, you created a simple visual novel game that included such elements as backgrounds, characters, dialogue, branches, and multiple scenes. Now experiment with building upon that start to integrate at least one instance of flags/variables in your game. You might make something in the game increase or decrease depending on the branch a player selects (such as friendship level), and/or set up the game to show a different scene depending on what a player had chosen earlier in the game.