Come Work with Us!

If you're interested in working for us, we're looking for a research student assistant to help Dr. Sarah Horton.

The Anthropology Department seeks a highly organized, conscientious and self-directed undergraduate student to help coordinate our Alumni Mentorship program, beginning June 15. The candidate will work with the graduate Mentorship Program coordinator and Dr. Sarah Horton, Chair of the Anthropology Department, to extend the Mentorship Program—currently open only to graduate students—to underrepresented undergraduate students, to broaden our roster of mentors and to expand our representation from Cultural Resource Management (CRM) firms, museums, nonprofits, and related fields. Responsibilities include: conducting an assessment of the mentorship needs of graduate students in Archaeology/Biological Anthropology; liaising with faculty to create a list of potential mentors from CRM firms, museums, and nonprofits; expanding the department’s professional networks; organizing program events; maintaining communication with students and mentors; and conducting an end-of-year evaluation of the impact of the program on students and on the Anthropology major. Minimum qualifications: major/minor in Anthropology, sophomore standing or above, and good organizational skills. Preferred qualifications: first-generation and/or BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ and an interest in Archaeology and/or Biological Anthropology.

Position begins June 15, 2024, and ends June 30, 2025. Time commitment: 5 hours/week; pay $18.29/hour.

To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Dr. Sarah Horton at by June 10.

Email Sulastri Carr or Sarah Horton for more information.