Below is a list of frequently used forms, resources and documents for CLAS students along with brief descriptions of each. If you need a different form or have a question on anything listed below, please try visiting the Registrar's Office forms page or contact CLAS Advising at (303)315-7100 or
Registrar's Office Forms
Grade Forgiveness Request Form
For requests to re-take, eligible enrolled courses to have previous grade replaced in GPA calculation by new grade.
Intra University Transfer (IUT) Form
For requests to switch from one school or college within CU Denver to another
Late Withdrawal Petition
Used when a student is dropping a course between the Withdrawal Deadline (typically after the 10th week of classes) and the Wednesday before Finals Week
Schedule Adjustment Form
Used when self-service registration options are not available on UCDAccess or when signatures are required for adding or dropping courses, requesting overloads, time conflicts, pass/fail or non-credit option approvals
Special Processing Form (Independent Study)
Used for students seeking to enroll in a CLAS independent study course
CLAS Advising Forms and Resources
Major/Minor Declaration Form
Used to add, remove or change a CLAS major or minor.
CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form
Used to request a CLAS certificated to be added to your student record.
CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form
Used to confirm completion of program with Certificate Advisor.
Retroactive Withdrawal Petition
Petition reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee that is to be used when seeking to have courses withdrawn after a term has ended and final grades have been posted.