CLAS Academic Advising

Creates and sustains an inclusive, safe, and supportive learning environment where students are empowered to build meaningful relationships and skills that foster lifelong learning and success.

Plan ahead for remote Spring Break hours - see details below in "Important Announcements".

Office Schedule Important Announcements  Academic Calendar  




Connect with CLAS Academic Advising - we're here for you!


Call UsCall us QR code

For assistance with general questions and information or support to schedule an appointment with a CLAS Advisor, please call 303-315-7100.

Drop In drop in QR code

In-person or remote drop-ins are available on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. & Thursday from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. To add your name to the list for drop-in advising, please call 303-315-7100.

Schedule an Appointmentschedule an appointment qr code

To schedule an appointment with your CLAS Advisor, visit Inspire, log in with NetID using your UCDAccess username/password and follow on-screen instructions.

Email Usemail us qr code

On your UCD Access homepage, click the icon at the top-right corner to see your student profile and CLAS Advisor's info. For more information, email