We would like to formally congratulate the several students in our lab who have recieved awards this year related to dissertaion or conference presentations!
* Sarah Wilson recieved the APA Division 36 Student Research Award to help fund her disertation on Attentional Control and Chronic Pain Outcomes: The Impact of Meaning Salience
* Sarah Wilson recieved the Society of Behavioral Medicine's 2023 Distinguished Student Excellence in Research Award for her work on her upcoming presentation: Rheumatoid Arthritis Management in Primary Care: The Need for Behavioral Health Integration.
* Dustin Goerlitz recieved the SBM Pain Sig Student Award to support his upcoming poster presentation on Compassion Cultivation, Anger, and Emotional Tension in Acute Migraine Pain Management: Results from a Pilot Study
* Daniel Luedtke recieved the SBM Pain Sig Student Award to support his upcoming poster presentation on The Mediatory Role of Pain Catastrophizing in the Relationship Between Meaning Making and Pain Perception.
* Alexandra Otto recieved the SBM Pain Sig Student Award to support herupcoming poster presentation on The Effect of the Doctor-Patient Relationship on Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment