Office: M108M
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Office Hours for Spring 2024:
Mondays and Wednesdays 1:00-3:00pm
Expertise Areas: Ancient Philosophy, German Idealism, Phenomenology, History of Philosophy
Education & Degrees
New School for Social Research (Ph.D Philosophy), 2016
Boston College (M.A. Philosophy), 2007
University of Colorado Denver (B.A. Philosophy), 2005
Jeffrey Golub is Associate Professor of Philosophy (teaching track) at the University of Colorado Denver. From 2011-2019, he taught the philosophy curriculum at CU Denver’s international campus, the International College Beijing, in Beijing China, where he created a philosophy minor program and served as associate program chair for the humanities. He currently teaches full time on the Auraria Campus, lecturing on topics such as Ancient Philosophy, Logic, Social/Political Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Phenomenology. His current research interests include Ideology as Modern Mythology and Classical Chinese Philosophy.
Courses Taught
Couse Descriptions Can Be Found Here
PHIL 2441: Logic, Language, and Scientific Reasoning
PHIL 3200: Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 3500: Ideology and Culture: Racism and Sexism
PHIL 3981: Chinese Philosophy and Culture
PHIL 4242: Bioethics
PHIL 4260: Why Obey the Law? Philosophy of Law
PHIL 4750: Introduction to Phenomenology
PHIL 4810: Aristotle
Selected Publications
"The Last Animal: An Indifference Argument in Plato's Protagoras", in Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy, vol. 25. 2021