With respect to sexual harassment in particular, it is mandatory that it be reported. You will be assisted and protected.
The official policy from the UCD catalog states: “If you need to report sexual harassment or if you have any questions regarding sexual harassment or policy above, please contact the UC Denver sexual harassment officer at 303-315-2724; send correspondence to Human Resources, P.O. Box 173364, Campus Box 130, Denver, CO 80217-3364.”
The Complete CU Denver Policy on Sexual Harassment Can be Found Here: https://equity.ucdenver.edu/policies-procedures/
With respect to any climate issue whatsoever, feel free to contact the Philosophy Department’s Climate Officer in confidence:
Candice L. Shelby, Ph.D, Professor of Philosophy
Plaza Build M108-E Campus Box 179, P. O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217
CU Denver also has a specialized team to to assess whether individuals pose a risk to themselves or others and to intervene when necessary, and more generally, to identify and provide assistance to those in need. http://www.ucdenver.edu/life/services/CARE/Pages/default.aspx
American Philosophical Association Statement on Sexual Harassment
Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or sexually directed remarks constitute sexual harassment when submission to such conduct is made a condition of academic or employment decisions, or when such conduct persists despite its rejection.
Sexual harassment is a serious violation of professional ethics, and should be regarded and treated as such by members of the profession. Colleges and universities should supply clear, fair institutional procedures under which charges of sexual harassment on campus can be brought, assessed, and acted on. Complaints of sexual harassment at APA sponsored activities should be brought to the Chair of the Committee for the Defense of Professional Rights of Philosophers, or, if they arise in the context of placement activities, to the APA ombudsperson. Complaints of sexual harassment by or against APA staff members should be brought to the Chair of the Board.
Members of the Association who conduct employment interviews in conjunction with Divisional meetings should make sure that the conditions in which those interviews take place, and the manner in which they are conducted, are appropriately professional and unthreatening.
Members of the Association, particularly members exercising authority of any kind, are urged to be aware of this policy, and to prevent violations where possible and to take alleged violations seriously.
(Prepared by an ad hoc Committee on Sexual Harassment chaired by Judith Thomson and approved by the Board of Officers at its 1993 Meeting. Originally published in Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association, Vol. 67, No. 4, pp. 96-97.)
Additional Resources
American Philosophical Association's Committee on the Status of Women on Sexual Harassment
What is it Like to Be a Woman in Philosophy?
Jennifer Saul, "Philosophy has a Sexual Harassment Problem" Salon, August 15, 2013
Know Your Rights: Title IX Prohibits Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Where You Go to School