Obtaining your certificate-Spanish for International Business

This certificate is available to all students across the University and non-degree-seeking professionals seeking to increase their skill set.

A. Students in any discipline at CU Denver can enroll in Spanish courses for the Certificate in Spanish for International Business .  They can also obtain a certification when completing the required twelve credits under the program director's supervision and a Spanish minor when adding an extra upper-division class.

B. Students in the University of Colorado system must fill out CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Intent to Declare Form. Please provide the required information to request a CLAS certificate be added to your student record. Once added, you will be able to run a certificate degree audit. The certificate degree audit should be used in collaboration with the Certificate Advisor, Dr. Gabriela DeRobles,  to ensure successful completion of the requirements.

C. Non-degree-seeking students must apply to the University of Colorado as non-degree-seeking undergraduate students. If you would like to apply, you can click HERE and fill out the "Undergrad Non-Degree Applicant." Then, you can choose CLAS, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and enroll in your first class.


Requirements for the Certificate

The certificate requires a total of twelve (12) credit hours of coursework, as follows (PDF):

Required Courses:

SPAN 3700     Spanish for International Business I
SPAN 3710     Spanish for International Business II

Plus Two(2) courses from the following list:

SPAN 3025     Writing for Latinos I
SPAN 3026     Writing for Latinos II
SPAN 3782     Introduction to Translation I
SPAN 3792     Introduction to Translation II
SPAN 3XXX      
SPAN 3XXX      

**SPAN 2120 (or equivalent proficiency) is a pre-requisite for all SPAN courses numbered 3xxx.

A minimum grade of C or higher must be earned in each of the four courses, and the minimum overall GPA for the four courses must be a 3.0.  All credits for the certificate must be earned at the University of Colorado Denver.


Getting your Certificate:

 In the semester all four requirements are completed you must complete the CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form.

At the end of the student’s certificate journey, the student will need to submit the:  UG Certificate Completion Verification Form .This form must be completed before the deadlines for each semester, to ensure that there is enough time for the certificate to be applied to a student’s transcript correctly.

Please keep in mind these deadlines and form completion!

CLAS Undergraduate Certificate Completion Verification Form

i. Spring semester – April 1
ii. Summer semester – July 1
iii. Fall semester – November 1

Certificate Advisor:  Dr. Gabriela DeRobles