CLAS Bylaws for CLAS IT Committee

Approved by CLAS Faculty Countil April 2024


  • Five rostered faculty members (one from each division plus one at large)
  • Two students (one undergraduate and one graduate student targeted)
  • CLAS IT Director (or a designee approved by the Director)

If a member does not regularly meet with the committee, the chair shall declare the seat vacant, and the associate dean responsible for elections shall arrange for a temporary appointment from the appropriate constituency and division until a replacement can be elected. The definition of regular attendance will be determined by the committee.


  • At or before the first meeting of the fall semester a chairperson shall be elected from among the rostered faculty members of the committee. The term of office for the chairperson shall be one year beginning on the date of the first meeting of the fall semester.
  • The committee shall convene as need arises, with a minimum frequency of two meetings per semester.


  • To routinely solicit feedback from CLAS unit sregarding IT-related needs and concerns, and communicate these effectively to IT Staff and the Dean's Office.
  • To receive follow-ups from CLAS IT Staff about previous concerns brought to their attention, including which of those may instead fall under the purview of OIT or other units.
  • To meet regularly with the CLAS representative who attends the Denver IT Leaders group to ensure that issues of concern from CLAS are made clear in that venue as necessary, and also receive general updates on topics discussed.
  • To update CLAS faculty and staff on developments in IT policies and procedures.
  • To review content on the CLAS IT-Support website to ensure it is updated and available to direct best pracitces to which college organizations should comply.
  • To offer recommendations to IT Staff and the Dean's Office to help shape IT policies and procedures, as well as long-term IT goals and objectives for the College.