In attendance:
Kayla Spencer, Maria Rase, Michelle Médal, Monica Estudillo, Maya Thieme, Kristen Salsbury, Aman Tewolde, Kalena Peirce, Mika Puseman and James Salmen.
Absent: Angie Weaver and Miriam Venzor.
Bylaws Revisions
Kristen will send reminder to vote to approve Bylaws changes. Editing deadline - August 30th, 2024. Final draft presented at the next meeting (9/9/2024).
Supervisor Notification Letter
Letters to supervisors will be sent out soon. This will come from the Dean, with general information detailing all who are in Staff Council. Additionally, a generall email will be sent to all CLAS community introducing this year's Council members.
Budget Review and Approval
- Professional development funds are approved by the committee. How much will be the professional development amount for an individual? $250 Or $300?
- Vote: Council votes to increase max amount of funds to $300 per person for professional development
- Vote: with the professional development changes, council votes to approve the entire budget
- Removed from budget: prizes for social events, reduced options for employee recognition (staff shout outs) to just Starbucks or Einstein's gift cards
Fall Event Planning
- October event - earlier in October for weather reasons!
- Ideas for Events: pumpkin decorating; lunch/bingo; fall fest lunch; trivia; field day with games; CU Trivia; after work vs. lunch time; pet bingo?
- Kalena will work on contacting/booking Tivoli for space for event.
- Consider what day of the week (not Friday, maybe Thursdays?).
Inclusive Excellence 1st event planning
- August 19th, 2024, planning meeting for this subcommittee (Kristen will send out invite).
- No further discussion on this, committee will meet
Other Comments/Updates
Pets of CLAS Calendar! Call out for pet pictures? Check out the expenses for this? (Michelle is going to look into this). Competition for who gets in calendar; start out in Fall event game?