In attendance:
Michelle Medal, Kristen Salsbury, Kayla Spencer, Maria Rase, Angela Schmitt, James Salmen, Anne Beard
18 nominations have been received across all awards. Some individuals on the council had to recuse themselves because they were among the nominees. The committee deciding awards is comprised of Michelle Médal, Kayla Spencer, Angela Schmitt, Miriam Veznor, Karen Fennell. The committee will meet this week to decide the winners.
Staff Shout Outs
22 awards have been distributed and this year’s program will end at the end of May. For the program to continue next fiscal year, the council will need to vote that it continues, the council should have confirmation of its budget, and new paperwork should be submitted with revised dates. The option to receive an award in the form of a parking pass will be removed given the difficulty arranging those passes.
Spring Social - April 25
There will be a drawing for a gift card. Six $25 Amazon gift cards will be distributed.
A report was provided on the budget. With the spring social, most funds for this fiscal year will have been expended.
Nominations will likely open at the end of April and close around May 8. Elections will open in late May and close in early June. Kristen Salsbury will email a proposed timeline soon.
Staff Satisfaction Survey
Kristen Salsbury and Kayla Spencer reported on the results of focus groups recently conducted with staff. The results were reported to the council and feedback was requested on four items: (1) a stipend program in which staff would receive $500 in compensation for presenting on a topic, (2) Kristen will apply for a DEI grant to support the stipend program, (3) asking for staff representative at Chairs and Directors meetings, and (4) shaping recommendations from the focus group and survey data that Kristen Salsbury will be summarizing in a report. These items generated a lot of discussion and will be revisited at future meetings.