In Attendance:
Anne Beard (beginning & end), Michelle Medal, Kayla Spencer, Kristen Salsbury, Angela Schmitt, Maria Rase, Angela Beale
Staff Shout Out Update
Received 18 shout outs, process (send email to nominee, and what was said about the individual, copying Maria – processing prizes).
Next step is to add a page to the website, for listing of nominations and what their nominator stated (some nominators want to stay anonymous and sometimes keep their statements anonymous as well?)
Change language to encourage people to give permission to use their comments.
Reach out to a particular person or change language to have an opt-out.
Reasons to keep anonymous: jealousy, not hurting other’s feelings, and not making others feel excluded/left out.
Remind staff and others of this program, budgeted 80 and we have gotten 18 nominations.
Budget update from Maria
Went over budget spreadsheet (Michelle distributed via email).
Shout out gifts (7 Starbucks, 3 parking, 2 wellness center).
Within $20 of our budget for Professional Development
Overall, within budget.
Door prizes for Spring Social Event for everyone who attends (gift cards, swag?)
We did a good job making our way through the funds.
Conference recap from Angie Schmitt and Angela Beale
InsightsEDU Findings
Work for every staff member is different, not every staff role is the same.
Really cool ideas from other higher education institutions and professionals.
Community building and a way to share ideas.
Higher level but small bits of information, that was able to walk away with ideas that can be integrated into day-to-day work.
Five Takeaways:
Website – having all key information accessible, user friendly, clear picture.
Awareness Marketing – working in the background, a presence in the back of people’s mind.
Social media – LinkedIn – having an active presence is crucial, a top website for students to get information about certain colleges/higher education institutions.
Online Demand – overwhelming demand, and market for online learning.
AI – using as marketing tool.
What can we do? Honoring individual position/department differences and similarities.
Part 2: Brainstorming – workshopping certain topics (cross-training)
So much room for collaboration with CLAS Marketing
Disconnect from Graduate to Undergraduate Marketing, lots of conflicting information, conversations need to happen.
Not clear delineation about who does what in terms of marketing at the college level?
Follow up meeting – To be Scheduled.
CLAS Staff Council Awards – need to decide on timeline and committee.
Friday May 3rd, Dean’s Awards – need to know winners by April 4th, 2024.
DEI Award Approved – thanks to Kristen!
How do we want to receive nominations? Form built into our website; Michelle will work on getting these ready to go.
Timeline – Deadline for applications: Monday March 25th, 2024, have time to read and committee can meet! Can extend to Wednesday March 27th, 2024, if needed.
Committee to meet on April 2nd, 2024.
Committee – Kayla, Angie, Karen Fennell, (other winners of awards as well?)
Policy about if a committee member is nominated, they cannot review applications for that category.
Reminder to Staff about Spring Social on April 25th, 2024
April 25th, 2024, meeting with Chancellor and Provost – questions from Staff?
Integrating information from Kristen and Kayla focus groups, to ask questions to chancellor and provost.
Kristen and Kayla will work on distilling information to bring questions to the meeting!