James Salmen, Angela Schmitt, Kayla Spence, Michelle Medal, Kristen Salsbury, Anne Beard
Absent: Maria Rase
Opening remarks
Michelle convened the meeting saying that the agenda was to discuss council activities for the upcoming academic year. Kristen reminded the group that the formal committees in prior years would function in a more ad hoc way this year, given the need for everyone on the council to participate in all council activities. Each committee has a point person who would guide its activities: Kristen Salsbury is the point person for Advocacy and James Salman and Maria Rase are point people for professional development.
Topics Discussed
AY Kickoff Email - Kristen will draft the email for Michelle to send to CLAS staff before the start of classes. Staff will be reminded that they can attend any CLAS Staff Council meetings and may be asked about the areas in which they need most support.
Job Satisfaction Survey - Next steps were discussed, including meeting with the Dean to get on the same page and identify areas where the council might make progress. The University Staff Council plans to re-issue this survey annually.
Website – Michelle will update the Home, Members & Minutes pages, Anne suggested that key surveys be added to the Staff Surveys page, James, Maria and others will review the Professional Development pages.
Meetings & Minutes – CLAS Staff Council meetings will be held the first Monday of the month September-June at 11:00 am. The September meeting will take place on the 11th. Michelle will circulate minutes for vote.
Staff Recognition & Appreciation – the program where the council solicited bios from staff to publish in the Dean’s Notes will be suspended this year while the council considers other ways to recognize staff. Kristen said it would be good to continue having an item from the council in each Dean’s Notes, even if just to announce our next meeting. Angie asked if we could publish information about the runners up for the Staff Person of the Month program. Anne noted that this is a University Staff Council program but maybe we could get information from them on CLAS runners. Anne mentioned the CU Appreciation & Recognition survey results as providing insight into what staff and faculty valued. At the bottom of the list were articles highlighting individuals and at the top of the list were cash or equivalents, like parking passes.
Events – Bringing people together through in-person events like the ice cream social of a couple of years ago, and the free bagel and burrito days (both of which were University Staff Council events) were mentioned as events to possibly continue or adopt.
Budget – Michelle will touch base with Maria, Sondra (last year’s treasurer) and CLAS Finance on the council’s speedtype and funding level for this year.