2.15.2022 - CLAS Staff Council Meeting

In Attendance:

Council Members: Lindsey Tollefson, Karen Fennell, Sulastri Carr, Carri Boothe, Sandra Quinn, Angela Beale, Erick Chavez-Navarrete, Rose Chang 

Non-Council Members: Lisa Neal-Graves, Shanice McTeer, Anne Beard, Jenn Ambrose 


  • Nominations and elections for Staff Council are coming up in the middle of April, please encourage colleagues to nominate themselves or others.  
  • Karen will be chairing the committee.  
  • Rose and Carri have agreed to help. 
  • Staff awards for Dean’s reception. 
  • The executive committee is working on getting nomination information together and posted on the website.   
  • The goal is to have the announcement sent out by March 1, 2022.  
  • The council will review the awards and will be looking for volunteers to review.  
  • Reviewing the nominations should not be time consuming –  
  • The council will seek volunteers at the next committee meeting. 
  • Professional development funds are now available and have started to be distributed. The application is available on the website and an email has been sent to the staff. 
  • If someone on the Professional Development committee would like to apply for funds would the remaining two people review the application, or would the committee need a third?  
  • Possibly someone from the executive committee could review as the third member.  

Campus Public Safety Initiative -

Lisa Neal-Graves give a short presentation on the campus public safety Initiative.  AHEC is working with CCD, Metro, and CU Denver to get feedback from students, faculty, and staff on what Public Safety means. The working committee is comprised of members representing each of the colleges including AHEC.  


  • Much more engagement is needed. The goal is to have at least 5,000 responses. Currently they have around 150.  
  • Todd Haggerty is CU Denver’s CIPSP contact.  
  • The plan is to start first with students, then build to faculty and staff, expand to the community and then conduct institution specific townhalls before finalizing recommendations to AEC. 
  • Community Influenced Public Safety Project (CIPSP) – data collected by mid-April, students, staff and faculty concerns around campus safety to then be reported to Auraria Executive Committee.  
  • Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F9F5HF5  
  • The goal of attending these meetings is to recruit more students, faculty, and staff to complete the survey. 

Spring Event:

The staff council is planning to host an event this spring but had not decided what type of event they are planning to hold.   


  • What does the staff need or want? 
  • The council decided to hold a community engagement/staff appreciation type event 
  • It will be structured to allow for engagement.  
  • Is there a way to affirm the ways that our jobs have changed, but at the same time acknowledge the work still being done?  
  • Thursday, April 21 11:30-1:30 is the date the committee decided on. 
  • Is this something the Dean could attend? 
  • The council will start planning via email with the hopes of providing details mid-March. 
  • Fall Ideas: CLAS Staff could hold meetings to provide opportunities to talk about experiences, what is working and what is not. This type of event can be hard to host via Zoom it would be nice when back in-person. 
  • Bullet journals – fun professional development that can then be expanded on.  
  • Possibly expand on innovation awards, recognize what is being done.  

CLAS Best Place to Work:

The staff council would like to work towards making CLAS a best place to work for staff. Currently the staff would like to start with receiving positive feedback from employees about what they like about CLAS.   


  • The support that has been provided by the Dean’s office Staff is appreciated. 
  • The shift with flexible workplace and working with supervisors to develop flexible schedules in terms of on-campus/remote work has worked well employees.  
  • The Dean is supportive and is involved and encouraging change where it is needed.  
  • Openness to ideas from the Deans office – specifically in terms of remote/flex work. Appreciate the openness to change.  
  • Breadth of staff, faculty and students engaged with and seeing opportunities for collaboration.  
  • Breadth of inspiration from constituents in the college.  


Next Meeting: March 15th at 1:00 PM