Angela Beale, Sandra Quinn, Lindsey Tollefson, Erick Chavez, Rose Chang, Sulastri Carr
Recorded By: Sulastri Carr
- The Dean is sending the strategic plan edits the council made to the Associate Deans for further guidance and suggestions.
- Nominations for staff awards will come out next month.
- The Election Committee will be established next month.
Meeting Minutes:
- The staff Council voted to approve the minutes from the September, October, and November meetings. The council members who were present voted to unanimously approve the minutes.
- The minutes will be posted on the CLAS Staff Council website.
Subcommittee updates
Professional development:
- There is an April 30th Deadline for Staff to apply for professional development funds.
- The funds will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis.
- The criteria for the types of awards is flexible for this cycle.
- The application has been created at the following link:
Advocacy Committee:
- Highlighting the staff in the Dean’s Notes has been going well.
- The committee may ask the staff the council highlights additional questions to include in the Deans notes.
- The advocacy committee asked the executive committee to post notes or minutes from the meetings with the Dean so that the council as well as other staff can remain up to date on the items that are discussed with the Dean. This will also help improve transparency.
Other Business:
- Is there a specific place staff can donate funds for the Marshall Fire? Could the council donate funds?
- The University already has a link set up where employees can contribute to the victims.
- There has been some discussion about making arrangements for staff to be able to work on professional development since there is demand on staff during other times of the year.
Next Meeting: February 15, 2022