Social Justice
The Social Justice Program is the home to the undergraduate Social Justice Minor and the Graduate Social Justice track.   
Our program also works to organize innovative community and campus events to address the pressing social and economic injustices of the 21st century


The Social Justice Minor is designed for students who are passionate about being engaged citizens and effecting change locally and globally. To this end, students will be exposed to global perspectives on social movements, conflict resolution, environmental stewardship, critical theory, and grassroots organizing.  Earning a Social Justice Minor will make students competitive for graduate school as well as for jobs in NGOs, public health, political office, community leadership, and in the ever-increasing number of modern corporations that seek employees who are committed to sustainable and ethical vocations.
The Graduate Social Justice Track is an interdisciplinary Masters degree in the Master of Humanities/Master of Social Science (MHMSS) Program.  It encourages graduate students to broaden and deepen their intellectual tools as well as their practical knowledge as to how democracy, education, consumerism, media, race, class, gender, policy, and law intersect. It expands students’ recognition of the many ways that they are already engaged as citizens and highlights their power to effect change through theoretical and moral education, critical thinking, and community engagement. The MH and MSS degrees each require 36 credit hours of coursework. Of these, 9 courses are core requirements; of the remaining 27 credit hours required for the degree, a minimum of 12 credit hours of Social Justice-themed, elective courses must be taken, and a final project or thesis (3-6 credit hours) on a Social Justice topic must completed. Students select courses in close consultation with a faculty advisor.
The Social Justice Program works to connect our campus to the Front Range community through internships, collaborative research with local partners, and by hosting speakers, trainings, and events that promote transformative dialogue and intellectual growth. We create learning opportunities that emphasize an integrated understanding the social, political, economic, and cultural dimensions of the major challenges facing humanity in the new millennium.  By cultivating engaged and informed citizens, we seek to create future leaders who will have the skills and knowledge necessary to effect meaningful change.

For more information about the Social Justice Minor (undergraduate) or the Masters of Social Science—Social Justice track (graduate), please email the Director of the Social Justice Program, Dr. Ryan Crewe: 





