Why Study Latin
Why study the Latin language and the city of Rome rather than a modern language and a contemporary nation?
There has been no other language and no other city that has had so much influence on our own culture. Even if you are not a student of History, English or Philosophy, but are simply curious about Latin or are trying to complete the foreign language requirement, you can still benefit from a study of Latin. This study will enlarge your English vocabulary, increase your knowledge of the world, and show you how another culture viewed reality. All students can benefit from a study of the Latin language.
Latin is the “mother tongue” of the Romance languages-Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Words directly from Latin are an essential part of the vocabulary of medicine, law, and English. Words derived from Latin dominate academia and other professions that develop a command of Latin, trains students in linguistics giving them the power of deciphering other languages quickly. The study of Latin can help build a bridge between the rote learning of verbs and nouns, to a deeper understanding of the unconscious assumptions that underlie our language and culture.
CLAS Language Requirement
Two semesters of Latin may be used to fulfill the CLAS language competency requirement.
Online Latin Courses
The department offers a series of Latin language courses as online courses.
For more information contact:
Alan Sumler alan.sumler@ucdenver.edu
Mary Deforest mary.deforest@ucdenver.edu
Plaza Building, 118H
Mary Deforest Latin 1010 Profile Video
LATN 1010, Elementary Latin I -Online (5 credits)
Introduces grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of Classical Latin, with an emphasis on preparing students to read Latin while improving English grammar and vocabulary skills. Two semesters of Latin may be used to fulfill the CLAS language competency requirement.
LATN 1020, Elementary Latin II-Online (5 credits)
Completes the presentation of basic Latin grammar, syntax and vocabulary. Introduces students to Latin literature through readings in select authors adapted to meet the needs of beginning students. Prereq: LATN 1010 or equivalent.
LATN 1050, Vocabulary for Professionals (3 credits)
Studies English words derived from Latin and Greek by analyzing their component parts (prefixes, stems, and suffixes). Cross-listed with ENGL 1050
LATN 2010, Intermediate Latin I-Online (3 credits)
Introduces advanced Latin grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and stylistics of Latin prose. Emphasis on historical, cultural, social context of authors and works. Prereq: LATN 1020 or equivalent.
LATN 2020, Intermediate Latin II-Online (3 credits)
Completes the presentation of advanced Latin grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and stylistics of Latin prose and poetry, with emphasis on historical, cultural, and social context of authors and works. Prereq: LATN 2010 or equivalent.
LATN 3000, Medical Terminology-Online (3 credits)
The course enables students to understand medical terms by learning the Greek and Latin word elements that form these terms.