This option in the Spanish major offers exciting career possibilities, both in government and private industry, at home and abroad. Languages are extremely useful in business, industry, commerce, civil service, law, library science, media, science, economics, health and social sciences. Students who follow this course of study could also qualify as teachers of general business subjects in bilingual as well as traditional school systems. (However, students who wish to be certified to teach Spanish in the public schools should complete the Language and Literature option and consult the requirements for certification.) This major has the approval of the College of Arts and Sciences. Those choosing this major will not be able to enter our graduate program in Spanish without fulfilling the requirements of the Language and Literature major.
International Spanish for the Professions is a controlled enrollment major, which takes two years to complete. Interested students should contact their Spanish Advisor in the Department of Modern Languages to declare the major. This should be done as early as possible in the student’s academic career but no later than the second semester of the sophomore year. To graduate, students must meet all UCD campus requirements for graduation and should consult with their advisor in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences for details.
SPAN 2120 or 2130 or equivalent proficiency
ECON 2112 Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics
ECON 2022 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics
MATH 1110 (College Algebra) or 1070 (Finite Math) or higher level course
Requirements: (45 credit hours)
Spanish courses (30 credit hours):
All of the following professional courses:
SPAN 3700 Spanish for International Business I
SPAN 4710 Spanish for International Business II (Prereq: SPAN 3700)
SPAN 3082 Introduction to Translation I (or equivalent Business course)
Two of the following language skills and theory courses:
SPAN 3010 Advanced Conversation and Composition I
SPAN 3020 Advanced Conversation and Composition II
SPAN 3310 Spanish Writing and Grammar I
SPAN 3060 Hispanic Phonetics: Theory and Practice
Two of the following culture courses (must include 3223 or 3224):
SPAN 3223 Contemporary Spanish Culture & Institutions
SPAN 3224 Contemporary Latin American Culture & Institutions
SPAN 3212 Spanish American Culture & Civilization
SPAN3222 Culture & Civilization of Spain II
SPAN 3070 Bilingual Communities
The following literature course:
SPAN 3252 Introduction to the Study of Literature
Two SPAN electives, to be taken at the 4000-level.
Business Courses (15 credit hours)
MGMT 1000 Intro to Business
ACCT 2200 Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
(Prereq: MATH 1070 & Sophomore standing)
MKTG 3000 Principles of Marketing
(Prereq: junior standing)
MGMT 3000 Managing Individuals and Teams
(Prereq: junior standing)
MGMT 4400 Intro to International Business or International Field Study
(Prereq: MGMT 1000 and an overall 3.0 GPA)
• Language Study Abroad / International Travel or Field Study
• Internship in target language
• Official proficiency exam
Arrangements are currently underway to offer a minor in Business to students completing the above track who also take:
BLAW 3000—Legal and Ethical Environments of Business I
Students interested in pursuing the ILCP track in Spanish should consult with an advisor in the department.